Strategies for scaffolding writing I am going home. (child says what he wants to say, teacher repeats it, and writes a line for each word. they repeat it together and then child writes a word on each line- invented or whatever. Child uses this strategy alone and quits using it when he/she doesn’t need it any more.
Children’s own spelling strategies “how do you pronounce island?” Children often figure out their own strategies for spelling, even for words whose semantic & phonic structure does not match. Always ask them to explain their strategies- it is a depiction of use of metacognition strategies.
Ideas for writing mini lessons (Used to introduce a variety of strategies & skills for writing). Procedural mini-lessons (write name & date, stapling finished work, what to do when you have finished writing, etc. Skills mini-lesson- (space between words, writing conventions….), punctuations, syntax, etc).
Ideas for writing mini lessons (continued) Strategy mini-lessons: (lining out instead of erasing, rereading own writing, rehearsing ideas at home or with friend, figuring out important part, topic selection, where to get ideas for writing). Craft mini-lessons: (making picture in mind of reader before writing, considering effective leads in familiar bks, using words to advance a story, letting writer’s personal voice come through, using your senses when adding description.
Conferences: prompting children to begin & sustain writing How is it going? How can I help you? What is going to be the most important thing? Tell me about the most important part. How do you do that? What is happening in this piece? Are you going to write all this? What are you writing about? What was the best part? What are you writing about? What are you going to say about it? What are you going to write next? Any surprise in your writing?
Role of literature & read-alouds When writing “children do borrow from literature & from each other”
Cursive writing-pros & cons Pros Aesthetically pleasing Easy to use once mastered. Easy to read Great for children with disabilities (eg. dyslexia - can’t see difference in some letters, e.g., “b” & “d”). May reflect overall literacy skills & increased self esteem. Is needed in situations where computer can’t be used. Outdated Outdated Does not favor left-handed people Research shows that many legible & quick writers do not use it. A waste of time- won’t need it in future. Even post office doesn’t use it. Not tested in standardized tests.