Maximizing your g investment Proxim
Outline Why 54Mbps isn’t really 54Mbps Actual achievable throughput of g The impact of b backwards compatibility on g throughput Actual achievable throughput of b/g
Why 54Mbps isn’t really 54Mbps 1. CSMA/CA Because each client ‘ask’ to talk before sending it’s data out. 2. The distance of the client to the AP and the building material Because the signal travels through can reduce the actual speed at which the client speaks to the AP.
Actual achievable throughput of g In the ‘clean’ environment-defined as one in which there is no other radio equipment operating and the client close to the AP. In the case of g this results in a best case situation of approximately 27Mbps.
The impact of b backwards compatibility on g throughput In order for g AP to ‘hear’ b clients, the protocol parameters must be modified,resulting in increased overhead. The Specific protocol parameters that need to be addressed in mixed mode b/802.11g networks are : – Long and short preamables – Different slot times – RTS and CTS protection mechanisms
Actual achievable throughput of b/g Taking into account the above protocol differences, an g AP operating in a mode that it to hear b clients has a maximum throughput of 18Mbps. It’s important to node that this throughput is without any b clients in the presence of the AP.
(3*6 Mbps+1*18Mbps)/4=9Mbps
Use ORiNOCO b/g AP
Maximizing g performance in a mixed b and g environment with ORiNOCO AP In a mixed b and g client environment, a dual slot AP increases g performance by three times over a single integrated radio access point. One slot is operated in b-only mode The other slot is operated in g-only mode
ORiNOCO AP-600b/g The ORiNOCO AP-600b/g in mixed b and g mode provides the optimal functionality. The ORiNOCO AP dynamically adjust the three protocol parameters (protection mechanisms, slot time, and preamble) by intelligently determining if there are any b devices present. If there are no b clients present, the AP minimizes overhead to maximize throughput for the g clients.
Optimizing the three protocol parameters allows Proxim projects to deliver up to 50% better performance than competitive projects in a mixed b and g environment
Summary When throughput is the overriding concern, the ORiNOCO AP-2000b/g dual-slot access points should be used to segregate the b traffic from the g traffic. This configuration supports both new and legacy users, and offers as much as a three times improvement in system throughput over a mixed-mode AP configuration.
English With data rates up to 54Mbps and backwards compatibility with legacy b, it sounds like the perfect marriage generation advanced technology with investment protection.