Factors to consider when Evaluating Research
Is the research hypothesis... sufficiently specific? clearly stated?
Inspect for deliberate bias / distortion when investigator has vested interest in results supporting a particular viewpoint highly emotional issues are involved states "this study was conducted to prove” number of cases upon which percentages are based is either not indicated or is low
Inspect for deliberate bias / distortion when figures are calculated to several decimal places surprising or newsworthy findings reward the researcher with career-making publicity objective findings are distorted by mass media to make them "more newsworthy" only a few key studies are cited
Inspect for non-deliberate bias
Inspect for sampling bias when the research is based on volunteers there is high subject mortality group selection criteria may be inappropriate
Inspect for sampling bias in causal-comparative studies experimental vs. control group when subjects may not be representative of the population
Check for omission of important variables
Undertake critical evaluation of measurement techniques reliability validity appropriateness of the test norms
Inspect for observer bias
Developing the Research Proposal Introduction & research problem statement Literature review Identify problems State significance of problems Research ideas Contribution to knowledge and practice Formulating hypothesis Selecting possible measures Selecting research sources Specifying research design Selecting analysis procedures Specifying research activities