Fair use and other ethical and legal issues of integrating technology into education
Giving them access to the Internet means losing that control Identify security risks that threaten school computers. Describe different ways schools safeguard computers and networks. filtering.htm filtering.htm uddydesc2.html uddydesc2.html Describe the ethnical issues related to internet usage and steps schools are taking to address them.
Acceptable use policy (AUP) If you will help your school to develop a AUP, what you will say to your students (ethical and legal issues of computers a instructional tools, responsible use of school computers, problems of raising from computers, & public nature of computers)?
Technology and Multicultural Education Some people argue that “ we need to give our kids computers because as slaves we were not allows to have books or even to know how to read.”( Damarin, 1998, p. 112) Computers for the education of marginalized children have been positioned against food for hungry children. Therefore some of them proposed that basic needs are more important for computers because “we cannot let them eat lap-tops ( Damarin, 1998, p. 112)”. Who do you agree with? why/ why not?
From technologists’ view, they believe technologies have all answers for education problems. It opens to all. Based on your experience, what kinds of culture that technology stands for? What “virtual class” (gender, race, age, class….) technology has created?
In liberal education, students’ needs are valued, students’ knowledge are grounded and horned, and students construct their learning (center, from margin to mainstream) Do you think, electronic pedagogy can achieve those goals? Please draw a map (or web) to show how technology can help and can hurt diversity and equity in education.
Help Hurt Special needs Celebrating diversity Close the gaps in knowledge Awareness Communication Reinforcing social inequity Built –in cultural bias Digital divide
Discuss the ways you have noticed that the digital divide both represents AND produces a reality. Does this mean that it is ultimately pointless to worry or argue about the digital divide?
科技對教育帶來的影響,究竟是使差異性縮小而趨 同?還是反而增加了差異性?電子化的教室同時也 產生許多關於均等與公平的議題,例如是否此為白 人男性的特權?或是獨厚於歐洲中心的模式 ( 浩偉 ) 社會的貧富不均及教育資源分配不均的問題,確實 影響科技與多元文化整合的問題。科技設計者必須 考量種族、性別以及多元文化之需求,科技工程師 必須主動發覺和開發具有多元文化技術用途的科技 資訊,以符合學生公平且多元的需求 ( 淑珠 ) 。