The Direct Instructional Model Originally based on behavioral psychology Foundation also based on social and cognitive learning theory
The Six Steps of the Direct Instructional Model by Rosenshine 1. Review previously learned material 2. State objectives for the lesson 3. Present new material 4. Guide practice, assess performance, and provide corrective feedback 5. Assign independent practice, assess performance, and provide corrective feedback 6. Review periodically offering corrective feedback if necessary
Ways to Review Previously Learned Materials Warm Up Pre test Have students go to board Practice what you learned yesterday Any ways that you can think of?
Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Following Remarks p. 82 Armstrong
State Objectives of the Lesson In a way that the students will understand Not out of your standards book They need to be measurable Use Bloom verbs
Objectives p. 83 Armstrong
Present New Material Model or Demonstrate Identify main points to cover on content Relate back to what was done in a prior lesson Use examples to illustrate Select an advance organizer Scaffold new material
Questioning Create risk free environment Provide wait time Provide positive or corrective feedback in a positive way Should be prepared ahead of time
Guided Practice Independent Group Activity
Assign Independent Practice Can be done on their own or In small groups
Constantly Review Prior Material and/or Build on It Important to continue to practice new material and apply to previously learned material Make connections to real world ideas that they understand Don’t assume anything- check again for understanding Examples from your content areas….