Environmental Assessment of Marine Renewable Energy Presentation to Pre-BIC meeting 24 th June 2010 Andrew Casebow Chris Green
2 27/06/2015 Introduction Alderney Guernsey Jersey Sark
3 27/06/2015 Introduction
4 27/06/2015 Scope
5 27/06/2015 Scope of Environmental Desk Study Desk Study Tailored to protection of Guernsey’s unique marine environment Legislative processes Draws best practice from UK and elsewhere Delivered by local specialists Acts to facilitate controlled access to the marine energy resources
6 27/06/2015 Scope
7 27/06/2015 Scope
8 27/06/2015 Objectives Assess the potential effects of marine renewable energy devices Advise and support the development of strategy Inform project level decisions Identify key issues and data gaps Inform future phases of assessment Public and stakeholder engagement
9 27/06/2015 Environmental Planning Process
10 27/06/2015 Topics Covered Physical Marine Environment Geology and Sediment Transition Marine Processes Water Quality Marine Biological Environment Benthic Ecology Pelagic Ecology Birds Marine Mammals Marine Human Environment Commercial Fisheries and Mariculture Recreational Fishing Marine and Coastal Historic Environment Existing Submarine Cables, Electrical Grid, and Power System Connectivity Shipping and Navigation Tourism and Recreation Other Topics Noise Air Quality Landscape and Seascape Character
11 27/06/2015 Key Outputs Key risks and mitigation measures The Environmental Action Plan (EAP) – Physical measures taken to protect the environment Regional Monitoring Plan – Investigative work (throughout all phases) Geographical Information System (GIS).
12 27/06/2015 Key Outputs
13 27/06/2015 Data Gaps Energy resource Sediment processes Benthic habitat Bird feeding grounds Behaviour of large animals in proximity to devices Cumulative effects
14 27/06/2015 Key Impacts and Mitigation Positive Impacts : Reduction in CO2 emissions and other pollution Energy security Potential for Safety Zones to act as fishing no-take zones Device structures and foundations can act as artificial reefs Employment Negative Impacts and mitigation Impacts are very site-specific. Careful selection of deployment zones based on constraints mapping
15 27/06/2015 Key Impacts and Mitigation Geology and Sediment Transition Risk of scour and smothering Risk of coastal erosion Hydraulic and sediment modelling
16 27/06/2015 Key Impacts and Mitigation Benthic Ecology Lack of knowledge of benthic habitat Risk of direct disturbance Strategic surveys Habitats mapping
17 27/06/2015 Key Impacts and Mitigation Large Pelagic Ecology and Marine Mammals Lack of knowledge of impacts Noise Risk of barrier to movement Noise reduction measures during construction
18 27/06/2015 Key Impacts and Mitigation Commercial Fishing Entanglement Risk of exclusion Risk of relocation to adjacent grounds Fisheries activities study
19 27/06/2015 Key Impacts and Mitigation Navigation Risk of collision Diversion routes Navigation risk assessment Marking and lighting Safety zones?
20 27/06/2015 Key Impacts and Mitigation Landscape Whole of rural coast is designated Device specific measures Visual impact assessment
21 27/06/2015 Conclusions
22 27/06/2015 Next Steps
23 27/06/2015 End