Whittam 1980
Werner and Hall 1988
Figure 8.10 The trade-off between development of locomotory muscles and reproductive equipment
Figure 8.12 Distances dispersed by male and female Belding’s ground squirrels
Figure 8.13 Inbreeding depression in oldfield mice may result in the failure of inbred females to reproduce as early as outbred females
Figure 8.14 Male and female lions differ in their dispersal patterns
Figure 8.16 Short-range migration in the three-wattled bellbird
Levey and Stiles 1992
Figure 8.17 The geographic distribution of Catharus thrushes, a genus that contains both resident and migratory species
Outlaw et al. 2003
Figure 8.18 The long-distance migratory trait overlain on the phylogeny of Catharus thrushes
Outlaw et al. 2003
Figure 8.25 The leapfrog migratory pattern of western North American populations of the fox sparrow
Bell, 1997 fuliginosa
Bell, 1997
Figure 8.26 Energetic costs of territoriality
Figure 8.28 Habitat quality and the date of departure from Jamaican wintering grounds by American redstarts
Figure 8.29 Redstart habitat selection on the wintering grounds affects reproductive success
Figure 8.30 Does the resident always win?
Figure 8.31 Territorial male red-shouldered widowbirds have higher resource-holding power than nonterritorial floaters
Figure 8.32 Fat reserves determine the winner of territorial conflicts in black-winged damselflies
Plaistow and Tsubaki 2000
Plaistow and Tsubaki 2000
Figure 8.33 Older males fight harder in the eggfly butterfly
Figure 9.35 Deep croaks deter rivals
Figure 9.36 Vocal signals of the barking gecko convey information about the size of the calling lizard to distant rivals
Figure 9.37 Honest signals about body size? (Part 1)
Figure 9.37 Honest signals about body size? (Part 2)
Figure 9.38 Threat displays are energetically demanding in the side-blotched lizard
Figure 9.39 A dishonest signal of strength?