Atlantic Provinces
Residency- Maritimes All Maritimes IMG Residency positions through Dalhousie University Application through CaRMs – 2 parallel streams- first iteration 10 total positions reserved for IMGs- 2 nd year in existence 5 family, 5 specialty (Anesthesiology, General Surgery, Internal Medicine and Urology)
Sites: Halifax, Sydney, Moncton, Saint John, Fredericton (2 at each site, 1 specialty, 1 family) All unfilled positions committed to 2 nd iteration, open to all candidates including Canadian Medical schools
Must meet eligibility requirements such as legal status, proof of MD degree, language MCCEE and MCCQE parts 1 and 2 or the USMLE parts 1, 2 and 3 may be considered Preference given to those who are living in the Atlantic Provinces working in an area of health care
Return of Service commitment – equal to the number of years of residency training program Repayment rate of $5000 per month of residency completed, plus interest 2% above prime
Clinical Rotations Officially electives only available for students in their final year Unofficially, applicants have been accepted to cores and/or electives in their 3 rd year at SJRH Dalhousie website states maximum 4 weeks per calendar year, SJRH 12 weeks per calendar year
Procedure Contact Medical Education at the hospital you are interested in Evaluate if any clinical rotations are available to you at that facility. Usually first come first serve Medical education will then contact Dalhousie and give you a contact at Dalhousie as well (SJRH). Application fee $300
Considerations Variability of policies between facilities. If one isn’t receptive, others may be. Moncton and Saint John (2010) medical schools will be taking up more positions. Reduction in the number of available positions already occurring in anticipation of this increased demand