Implementation of Vortex Cavities in a Turbojet Diffuser Sponsor: Williams International Progress Report 3 November 9, 2006 TEAM CRUISE CONTROL Michael Feldman Marvin Kong Nansi Xue
Outline Completed Tasks and Results Current Tasks Tasks To Be Completed
Baseline Models All baseline CAD models have been completed. Shortened SLA model has been submitted to Williams International and is currently in production.
Shortened Diffuser Separation Location: 1.7 inches from Inlet
Baseline CFD Wrap-Up Main purpose of CFD was to determine the location of flow separation so that the point of application of vortex cavity can be determined. Flow behaviour heavily influenced by turbulence intensity. Turbulence intensity is dependent on our custom inlet. Actual separation position will be validated using flow visualization during testing. Increased mesh nodes from 6,000 to 100,000 for higher accuracy Turbulence KE was calculated by the following equation: Turbulence dissipation rate and intensity were assumed to be 0.5 and 0.5%, respectively. Determined separation points: 4.7” Diffuser: 2.7” Diffuser:
Progress SLA model has been sent to Williams International Preliminary testing on the regular length baseline model was supposed to be done on Tuesday, but the current mounting structure is found to be inappropriate size. One day’s of vacuum time has been wasted (Very expensive!) Obtaining the new mounting structure today
Task Ahead Perform regular length and 2.7” baseline tests Modify 2.7” baseline model to fit vortex cavity Cavity will be fit by cutting a strip off the outer wall and using half of a flexible plastic pipe. Feedback tubes to be connected as necessary Strip to be cut away and fitted with vortex cavities