1 Thomas Naumann ACAT05 23.05.2005 Research at DESY Th. Naumann.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Thomas Naumann ACAT Research at DESY Th. Naumann

2 Thomas Naumann ACAT Thanks … to Int. Advisory Committee to have chosen DESY Zeuthen to Local Organizing Committee to have taken the burden

3 Thomas Naumann ACAT Staff: 1150 Budget: 158 M€ Hamburg/Zeuthen ~ 10/1  Particle Physics HERA Astro-Particle Physics ILC  Synchrotron Radiation PETRA3 VUV-FEL XFEL Research at DESY

4 Thomas Naumann ACAT DESY at Zeuthen Zeuthen well integrated in DESY rich program with specific flavors Particle Physics Experiments H1+HERMES at HERA Theoretical Physics Lattice supercomputing ILC Project physics + detector studies Accelerator R&D develop components for VUV-FEL + XFEL PITZ: Photo Injector Test Facility Zeuthen Particle-Astrophysics Baikal, AMANDA, IceCube high energy cosmic neutrinos

5 Thomas Naumann ACAT lumi upgrade: background conditions + stability improved 2004: 91 pb -1 highest lumi/year delivered so far 2005: 90 pb -1 by now, >1 pb -1 /day, ~150 pb -1 expected HERA HERA end mid-2007: ~700 pb -1 totally, about equally e + and e - polarization 25-45%

6 Thomas Naumann ACAT Strong coupling α S  s (M Z ) = ± need ~1% precision from theory !

7 Thomas Naumann ACAT     T.Jones D.Gross O.Tarasov J.Vermaseren Liverpool Kavli Inst. DESY NIKHEF Loops+Legs 2004

8 Thomas Naumann ACAT Loops: Next-to-Next-to-Leading Order: –splitting functions –anomalous dimensions –coefficient functions ~ Feynman Diagrams : > Integrals … QCD Perturbation Theory S. Moch et al., The QCD Splitting Functions At Three Loops, Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl.135: ,2004. M.Czakon, Kovalevskaya Preis hep-ph /

9 Thomas Naumann ACAT β-Funktion in 3 Loops

10 Thomas Naumann ACAT Lattice QCD simulate QCD on a lattice : degrees of freedom: Color, Flavor, Quark Masses δα S /α S = 1% ok with expt.+ 3-loop APENext at DESY Zeuthen 2005/6: 3 TFlops APE Lattice Computers L a L/a=16,32,…

11 Thomas Naumann ACAT High Performance Computing strategy group of Helmholtz institutes DESY,GSI, AWI, DLR, FZJ, FZK needs of diff. communities: LQCD, astrophysics, biophysics, chemistry, climate FZJ-NIC  HGF-HPC  German  European ? general vs dedicated machines large vs topical centres

12 Thomas Naumann ACAT Neutrino Astro-Physics IceCube 1 km 3 Antarctic Ice watched by PM’s

13 Thomas Naumann ACAT Amanda: many new results - sensitivity gets interesting Neutrino Astro-Physics

14 Thomas Naumann ACAT IceCube: Neutrino Astrophysics First string deployed 2450 m deep in Antarctic ice in January 05. DOM Module Production 1300 of 60x80 = 4800 modules assembled at DESY Zeuthen. also: simulation, reconstruction, analysis

15 Thomas Naumann ACAT Neutrino Astro-Physics Baikal-Amanda common analysis

16 Thomas Naumann ACAT ILC : Global Design Initiative : 27 EU nations start EUROTeV budget ~9 M€ Aug.2004: ITRP selected cold technology for future LC Nov.2004: ILC workshop ~220 accelerator experts from all 3 regions 27 European institutions

17 Thomas Naumann ACAT HERA-LHC-ILC DESY participation at the LHC: the bridge from HERA to the ILC DESY: LHC Grid Tier-2 centre DESY-CERN contacts start

18 Thomas Naumann ACAT Synchrotron Radiation use different features of laser in Atomic and molecular physics Biology Chemistry Material science High field and plasma physics to produce movies of chemical reactions real-time studies of formation of condensed matter imaging of bio-molecules with atomic resolution

19 Thomas Naumann ACAT VUV-FEL

20 Thomas Naumann ACAT VUV-FEL First lasing on Performance as predicted ready for users in 2005 single shot  =0.16 nm, 0.5%  t ~ 20 fs Zeuthen wire scanners: decisive to measure beam in undulator

21 Thomas Naumann ACAT RF gun FEL experimental area bypass 4 MeV150 MeV450 MeV1000 MeV undulatorscollimator bunch compressor Laser bunch compressor accelerator modulesVUV-FEL Wire scanner: 7 stations in undulator region built in Zeuthen Gun: optimized in Zeuthen - good emittance 2005: start of user running E = MeV = 24-6 nm

22 Thomas Naumann ACAT PETRA III super-brilliant Synchrotron Light Source : 134 M€ allocated by BMBF, German Ministery of Science July 2007: take over PETRA from HERA

23 Thomas Naumann ACAT XFEL Endorsed by STI

24 Thomas Naumann ACAT European XFEL Feb. 2003: German govt.: XFEL as European project Cost: 684 M€ (2000) 50% Federal govt. + ~10% from Länder HH + Schleswig-Holstein + ~40% from European Partners Mar. 2005: MoU for project preparation signed by 10 EU countries: CH, DE, DK, ES, F, GR, IT, PL, UK, SE Jan. 2005: Interim Report of Scientific and Technical Issues Working Group on European XFEL Lab in Hamburg Cost incl. R&D, escalation to 2012, contingency: 908 M€ May 2005: Start of Plan Approval Procedure

25 Thomas Naumann ACAT XFEL Campus

26 Thomas Naumann ACAT Synergy industrial cavity production operate+commission VUV-FEL and XFEL ILCXFEL

27 Thomas Naumann ACAT ILC-XFEL Synergy XFEL work relevant for ILC and vice versa: Qualification of 3 vendors (EU, US, J) Industrial studies & prototypes for klystrons Involve industry in string+module assembly Industrial studies for RF coupler fabrication Experience with cavity treatment improve cavity statistics Build module test stand → end of operation + commissioning of VUV-FEL and XFEL

28 Thomas Naumann ACAT FEL+LC Design Studies 16 European institutions27 European institutions Coordinated by DESY EU budget: ~9 M€~9 M€ Coordinated by CERN, DESY Start: Kick-off meeting

29 Thomas Naumann ACAT

30 Thomas Naumann ACAT ACAT 05 Welcome Berlin LOC/IAC Trip + Banquet

31 Thomas Naumann ACAT Kronprinzenpalais Unter den Linden talk by S.Brandt, Thursday 16 h World Year of Physics: Einstein exposition Physics in Berlin

32 Thomas Naumann ACAT Dinner + Boat Trip to Berlin Ratskeller Köpenick Thursday h Ratskeller Köpenick Thursday h Captain of Köpenick Captain of Köpenick

33 Thomas Naumann ACAT Future of ACAT IACmeeting atKöniglichesSchloßrestaurant in the KavalierhäuserofSchloß Königs Wusterhausen atKöniglichesSchloßrestaurant in the KavalierhäuserofSchloß Königs Wusterhausen Wednesday 19 h