1 From Requirements via Colored Workflow Nets to an Implementation in Several Workflow Systems R.S. Mans – TU Eindhoven W.M.P van der Aalst – TU Eindhoven P.J.M Bakker - AMC A.J. Moleman - AMC K.B. Lassen – University of Aarhus J.B. Jorgensen –University of Aarhus
2 Contents Motivation Approach –Requirements model (Executable Use Cases) –Specification model (Colored Workflow Net) »Analysis –Implementation in 4 workflow systems (YAWL, FLOWer, ADEPT1, Declare) »Applicability Conclusions
3 Motivation - Test approach in a big context: real world process -> EUCs -> CWN -> implementation in several wf systems. - Application of workflow technology in the healthcare environment –Identify requirements with regard to flexibility Case: Gynaecological oncology healthcare process Workflow systems: YAWL, FLOWer, ADEPT1, Declare
4 Approach
5 Executable Use Case
6 Executable Use Case (2)
7 Colored Workflow Net (1) colset CaseID =union C:INT; colset AttName = string; colset AttValue = union S:STRING + I:INT + U:List; colset Attribute = product AttName * AttValue; colset Attributes = list Attribute; colset Case = product CaseID * Attributes timed; colset ResourceID = union R:INT; colset Role = string; colset Roles = list Role; colset OrgUnit = string; colset OrgUnits = list OrgUnit; colset Resource = product ResourceID * Roles * OrgUnits timed;
8 Colored Workflow Net (2)
9 Colored Workflow Net (3) Analysis –Checking for soundness –Short-circuited net »Live and bounded => sound Modular approach –Checking for soundness of subnets –Abstract from resources
10 YAWL (1) Yet Another Workflow Language Cooperation between QUT (Brisbane, Australië) and TU/e (Eindhoven). Development triggered by patterns and limitations of existing languages (including Petri nets) Open-source initiative ( Uses worklets
11 YAWL (2)
12 FLOWer (1) Developed by Pallas Athena Case handling principle –All information within a case is available –Enablement of activities dependent on information available in case –Work distribution separated from authorization –Data can be viewed / added /modified before or after activity is executed
13 FLOWer (2)
14 ADEPT1 (1) University of Ulm Adaptive workflow (Ad-hoc change of already executing cases)
15 ADEPT1 (2)
16 Declare (1) Developed at TU/e (Eindhoven) Declarative process modeling language (what instead of how) Dynamic change
17 Declare (2)
18 Applicability of CWNs for implementation in wf systems (1) Number of nodes / arcs Effort control flow perspective (hours) Effort resource perspective (hours) Effort data perspective (hours) Effort operation perspective (hours) YAWL231 / FLOWer236 / ADEPT140 / Declare23 /
19 Applicability of CWNs for implementation in wf systems (2) CWN is of help for implementation in WF system Separation of concerns –EUC: capturing requirements –CWN: capturing control-flow, resource, data, operation perspective
20 Conclusions Demonstration of approach to go from a real world process, via EUCs, CWN, to concrete implementation in 4 wf systems EUCs usefull for validating modeled real-world process CWN of help for how process needs to be made ready for implementation in a wf system CWN helpful for implementations in wf systems –Control flow perspective –Resource perspective –Data perspective –Operation perspective
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