ENGR 220 Section 5.1-5.3
Torsional Deformation of a Circular Shaft
Torsional Deformation of a Circular Shaft
The Torsional Formula If the material is elastic then Hooke’s Law applies.
Derivation of the Torsional Formula
Torsional Equation
Lecture Example: Plot the torque on the shaft as a function of position from E to B. The smooth bearings at A and B do not resist torque.
Lecture Example: Plot the shear stress distribution acting along a radial line lying in the region EA of the shaft. The smooth bearings at A and B do not resist torque. Shaft ID = 1 in Shaft OD = 1.25 in
Power Transmission
Lecture Example: The gear motor can develop 1/10 hp when it turns at 80 rev/min. If the allowable stress for the shaft is τallow = 4 ksi determine the smallest diameter shaft to the nearest 1/8 in that can be used.