paul drumm; 3rd December 2004; AFC MM 1 Why? Goal: Ultimate (CCLRC defined) Safety & Design Review –How do we get there? We need a Process –What is needed? Full Safety & Design assessment –How do we ensure success? Assessment within MICE but outside of the working groups Propose Design & Safety Working Group –Based on group involved in AFCSWG¹ –Expanded to cover all MICE – in a timely manner ¹ but with fewer letters – easier to repeat!
paul drumm; 3rd December 2004; AFC MM 2 AFCSWG – as was Original Concept for Absorber and Hydrogen System Process* heavy for most of MICE Ultimate goal stands *
paul drumm; 3rd December 2004; AFC MM 3 Morph to D&SWG… Role of existing working groups unchanged Character and role of the “review panel” is different: –Internal “audit” process unless D&SWG advises that an independent review is needed (matter of risk & competence within MICE) –D&SWG guides documentation preparation through a series of audits –D&SWG to assess the documentation Not the same as a review (less overhead) –Informs TB & EB on readiness for final review
paul drumm; 3rd December 2004; AFC MM 4 From Document... to Presentation by Video? Task Leader Task Members Process Wing Design & Safety Group Agree Procedure Develop Concepts & Design Prepare documentation Review fit for purpose Documents ok Pre-manufacture Acceptance Document Review Review FINAL Document Audit Detail Design & Safety… Manufacture & Install Operate Rehearsal RAL Review RAL Audit & Advise Support Audit & Advise You are here! Agree when ready Invitees? Task Leader Task Members Task Leader Task Members Advice?
paul drumm; 3rd December 2004; AFC MM 5 Phase 1 Time Scales Beam Line needs to be in place end of 2006 –Complete beam line review by end 2005 –Radiation shielding is a more delicate matter –Target is a potential risk to ISIS operations –Beam Line is (probably low risk) ISIS/EID engineering staff Following established & proven practices Spectrometer & Tracker –Low risk R&D activities –Medium - Potentially High – design to achieve Low Risk