slides from R. Jones setting up an OSG VO for GlueX
2 OSG: Open Science Grid common grid architecture A collection of Virtual Organizations (VO’s) devoted to scientific research that share computation and storage resources within a common grid architecture. from “The Open Science Grid aims to promote discovery and collaboration in data-intensive research by providing a computing facility and services that integrate distributed, reliable and shared resources to support computation at all scales.”
3 Partial list of existing VO’s ALICE: ALICE collaboration, High Energy Physics experiment at CERN LHC ATLAS: United States ATLAS Collaboration CDF: Collider Detector at Fermilab CIGI: CyberInfrastructure and Geospatial Information Laboratory CMS: Compact Muon Solenoid CompBioGrid: CompBioGrid DES: Dark Energy Survey DOSAR: Distributed Organization for Scientific and Academic Research DZero: D0 Experiment at Fermilab Engage: Engagement Fermilab: Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory FermilabAccelerator: Fermilab/Accelerator FermilabAstro: Fermilab/Astro FermilabCdms: Fermilab/Cdms FermilabGrid: fermilab VO grid group FermilabHypercp: Fermilab/Hypercp FermilabKTeV: Fermilab/KTeV FermilabMinerva: Fermilab/Minerva FermilabMiniboone: Fermilab/Miniboone FermilabMinos: Fermilab/Minos FermilabMipp: Fermilab/Mipp FermilabMu2e: Fermilab/Mu2e FermilabNova: Fermilab/Nova FermilabNumi: Fermilab/Numi FermilabPatriot: Fermilab/Patriot FermilabTest: Fermilab/Test FermilabTheory: Fermilab/Theory geant4: Geant4 Software Toolkit GLOW: Grid Laboratory of Wisconsin GPN: Great Plains Network GRASE: Group Researching Advances in Software Engineering at University of New York at Buffalo GROW: Grid Research and Education Group at Iowa i2u2: Interactions in Understanding the Universe Initiative IceCube: IceCube Neutrino Telescope ILC: International Linear Collider JDEM: Joint Dark Energy Mission, Science Operations Center LIGO: Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory mariachi: Mixed Apparatus for Radar Investigation of Cosmic-rays of High Ionization Experiment MIS: OSG Monitoring Information System nanoHUB: nanoHUB Network for Computational Nanotechnology (NCN) NEBioGrid: New England Biomedical Grid NWICG: Northwest Indiana Computational Grid NYSGRID: NYSGRID Ops: WLCG Operations Group OSG: Open Science Grid OSGEDU: OSG Education Activity SBGrid: Structural Biology Grid STAR: Solenoidal Tracker at RHIC
4 Why are we interested? Key component of the Collaborative Analysis Toolkit grant (NSF/PIF-2006) from the proposal:... this project would fund the development of an analysis suite, built on the backbone of the Open Science Grid, that would allow transparent analysis of current and future experimental data. The collaboration among scientists that will be facilitated by this development will ultimately lead to a better understanding of QCD.
5 but there are other reasons… InstitutioncontactNodesCoresCPU JlabSandy Philpott x86 Indiana U.Matt Shepherd x86 U. EdinburghDan Watts1456 ? U. GlasgowKen Livingston x86-64 Carnegie MellonCurtis Meyer47286 x86 Florida State U.Paul Eugenio X86-64 U. of ReginaZisis Papandreou1020 x86 U. of ConnecticutRichard Jones x86 Why don’t we share – everyone wins!
6 Bringing Gluex into the OSG what is involved in making a new VO? 1.A Charter statement describing the purpose of the VO. 2.A VO Membership Service which meets the requirements of an OSG Release. 3.A support organization (called a Support Center in OSG parlance) that will support the VO in OSG Operations. 4.Completion of the registration form using these instructions.registration formthese instructions
7 1. Gluex VO: Charter statement “This should be concise, yet long enough to scope intended usage of OSG resources.” example statement for ALICE: The ALICE Collaboration is building a dedicated heavy-ion detector to exploit the unique physics potential of nucleus-nucleus interactions at LHC energies. Our aim is to study the physics of strongly interacting matter at extreme energy densities, where the formation of a new phase of matter, the quark-gluon plasma, is expected. The existence of such a phase and its properties are key issues in QCD for the understanding of confinement and of chiral-symmetry restoration. For this purpose, we intend to carry out a comprehensive study of the hadrons, electrons, muons and photons produced in the collision of heavy nuclei. Alice will also study proton-proton collisions both as a comparison with lead-lead collisions and in physics areas where Alice is competitive with other LHC experiments. The ALICE Collaboration is building a dedicated heavy-ion detector to exploit the unique physics potential of nucleus-nucleus interactions at LHC energies. Our aim is to study the physics of strongly interacting matter at extreme energy densities, where the formation of a new phase of matter, the quark-gluon plasma, is expected. The existence of such a phase and its properties are key issues in QCD for the understanding of confinement and of chiral-symmetry restoration. For this purpose, we intend to carry out a comprehensive study of the hadrons, electrons, muons and photons produced in the collision of heavy nuclei. Alice will also study proton-proton collisions both as a comparison with lead-lead collisions and in physics areas where Alice is competitive with other LHC experiments.
8 1. Gluex VO: Charter statement RJ’s draft for Gluex, modeled after US-ATLAS: The GlueX Collaboration is building a 12 GeV photon beam line and a dedicated spectrometer to study fundamental issues in strong QCD through meson photoproduction at Jefferson Laboratory. Our primary aim is to identify gluonic resonances by detecting their decays into exclusive final states in a hermetic detector with high acceptance and good resolution for both charged and neutral particles. Unambiguous discovery of a multiplet of hybrid mesons will provide answers to long- standing questions regarding how gluonic degrees of freedom are expressed in hadrons. Other related issues in hadronic physics within the scope of GlueX include chiral symmetry-breaking in the pseudo- scalar nonet, rare neutral meson decays, quark hadronization in nuclear matter, and nucleon structure through inverse-DVCS.
9 2. Gluex VO: a VO membership service “This means being able to provide a full list of members' DNs. The currently recommended way to do this is to deploy the VOMS package from the OSG software package.”VOMS package VOMS is just one package from a list of web services that are part of the grid “middleware” infrastructure for supporting a VO. a lot of work – happily, most of this has to be done only once (by me)
10 2. OSG infrastructure: a lot of stuff This is your site VOMS VOMRS This is at UConn users register admins grant access
11 2. OSG infrastructure: a lot of work Setting up the VO (first time) – a couple of weeks Setting up a site (first time) – a couple of days Becoming a user (first time) – a couple of hours It looks like once the tools are set up, it will be relatively painless to administer – decentralized authorization management based on groups, roles. experience will tell, but VO admin Representative Site admin LRP where means “can delegate authorization to”
12 2. Gluex VOMS: current configuration Institutions defined so far: Carnegie Mellon University Catholic University of America Christopher Newport University Florida International University Florida State University Indiana University Jefferson Lab North Carolina A&T Santa Maria University University of Athens University of Connecticut University of Massachusetts University of North Carolina Wilmington University of Regina
13 2. Gluex VOMS: what’s next One person from each institution One person from each institution must agree to serve as VO representative for that group. 1.Go to and fill out the form to request a personal grid certificate. [Non-US institutions may decide to use the equivalent certificate provider from their home country.] 2.Under “sponsor” I listed Jefferson Lab, with Elton as my contact. [I know it says, list your VO as your sponsor, except that I need a list of users with certificates before I can complete the VO application process for Gluex !] 3.Wait for a day or so, and they will you back with instructions for how to fetch your grid certificate. Install it in your browser under “client certificates” and keep a copy in a safe place. Without this, you will only be able to access the Gluex VO facilities as a guest.
14 2. Gluex VOMS: what’s next Once your institution has an authorized VO rep, that person will be responsible for granting membership to all of the other members from that institution. Resource access is controlled locally at each site, based on what they want to grant. Permission is granted based on the map Mapping is configured using web gui tools by the site administrator for each site. [user, group, role] resources
15 2. Gluex VOMS: what’s next Only the site reps need to request certificates at this point. Once site reps are registered, I will submit the formal request for admission as a OSG VO. Only the UConn cluster resources will be configured for OSG access at that point – enough to get started. Groups and roles defined so far are: Eg. /Gluex/software/Role=admin admin of /Gluex/software groups /Gluex – all VO registered people are members /Gluex/cat-pwa – CAT project people, restricted /Gluex/software – software developers, open /Gluex/simulation – simulation producers, open /Gluex/production – analysis producers, openroles admin – grants access to group, if restricted
16 3. Gluex VO: a support organization “A support organization (called a Support Center in OSG parlance) that will support the VO in OSG Operations. The Support Center should provide at least the following: a written description of the registration process, instructions for the members of the VO on how to complete the VO registration process, instructions for the members of the VO on how to report problems and/or obtain help. Notice to site reps: I will be seeking help from you in writing these help pages, based on your experience as you complete the registration. Ongoing support organization is at UConn for next 2 years – included in duties of CAT project postdoc.
17 4. Gluex VO: complete registration “Completion of the registration form using these instructions.”registration formthese instructions Will happen as soon as a core set of site administrators are registered, demonstrating that we have the critical mass to justify setting up a new VO. Resource questions will follow later. For the moment, it is people and institutional interest that is needed to get the VO in place.
18 Yet to come: client package allows you to submit and track compute jobs store data files to the grid search grid storage for data files and retrieve them monitor resource availability all using standard tools you already know condor-g, grid-ftp, globus-url-copy, srm, … your web browser