Linked Data and Semantic Web Technologies for Aid Transparency Aman Shakya PhD (National Institute of Informatics, Japan) Asst. Professor (Institute of Engineering, Nepal) IT Consultant
Outline Introduction ◦ Semantic Web ◦ Linked Open Data Aid Transparency Open Data ◦ IATI standard XML data ◦ Applications IATI as Linked Data and Applications Tools and Platforms 2
Introduction 3
WWW - World Wide Web page ? 4 URL:
WWW –Web of Documents 5 Hyperlinks URL- URL-
Semantic Web Sir Tim Berners-Lee (inventor of the WWW) “.. an extension of the current web in which information is given well-defined meaning, better enabling computers and people to work in cooperation..” Scientific American (2001) 6 Allows data to be shared and reused across application, enterprise, and community boundaries Collaborative effort led by W3C with participation from a large number of researchers and industrial partners.
The Semantic Web 1. Web of Structured Data 2. Machine understandable semantics Semantics = Meaning 3. Data modeling and Knowledge representation 4. Interoperable data standards 77
Web of Data 8 Meaningful Data Nodes & Data Links GGG (Giant Global Graph) Source:
URI – Uniform Resource Identifier 9 URI: Yangtze China River Beijing 6300 km Located in Has capital Is a Has length URI: URI:
Triples (subject, predicate, object) or (resource, property, value) Graph data model RDF - Resource Description Format SubjectObject Predicate 10
Syntax (computer format) for RDF RDF/XML N-triples, turtle, etc. Embedded formats ◦ RDFa, microformats, HTML5 JSON (lightweight structured format) GRDDL 11
RDF/XML Example 12 <rdf:Description rdf:about=" xmlns:rdf=" xmlns=" kilometers western China's Qinghai-Tibet Plateau East China Sea
RDFa Example 13 file
Semantic Web (explained) Machine understandable Semantics by ◦ Data Modeling & Knowledge Representation Ontology “.. an explicit specification of a conceptualization” ◦ Modeling of Concepts and Relationships that exist in the area of interest 14 Gruber (1993)
Example – Activities Ontology 15
16 Travel Ontology
Ontology Languages RDF Schema ◦ A vocabulary description language OWL - Web Ontology Language ◦ A richer ontology language ◦ Based on Description Logic 17
Ontologies Domain ontology ◦ Open Biomedical Ontologies (OBO) ◦ CIDOC CRM - an ontology for cultural heritage information … etc. Lightweight ontology ◦ Vocabularies ◦ Taxonomy ◦ Thesaurus, etc. 18
SKOS Simple Knowledge Organization System ◦ Used for Taxonomies, Thesaurus 19
Semantic Web Layers Cake 20 The Semantic Web Cake
Linked Data (Web of Data on the Web) 21
Linked Data Publishing and interlinking structured data on the Semantic Web 4 basic principles of Linked Data: 1. Use URIs to identify things. 2. Use HTTP URIs so that we can locate and look up (dereference) these things. 3. Provide useful information when its URI is dereferenced. 4. Include links to related URIs to improve information discovery on the Web. 22
Linked Open Data Sources on the Web Open
Linking Open Data cloud diagram, by Richard Cyganiak and Anja Jentzsch.
Querying Semantic Web Data SPARQL RDF Query Language SPARQL endpoint – query interface Example SPARQL query PREFIX foaf: SELECT ?name ? WHERE { ?person a foaf:Person. ?person foaf:name ?name. ?person foaf:mbox ? . } 26
Beautiful Applications over Raw Data 27 Source: Berners-Lee, TED 2009
30 Employment Market Explorer
Linked Open Data Rating - Available on the web (whatever format), but with an open licence - Available as machine-readable structured data (e.g. excel instead of image scan of a table) - Non-proprietary format (e.g. CSV instead of excel) - All the above plus, Use open standards from W3C (RDF and SPARQL) to identify things - All the above, plus: Link your data to other people’s data (Berners-Lee, 2010) ★ ★★ ★★★ ★★★★ ★★★★★ 31
Aid Transparency Open Data 32
Aid Transparency Open Data The IATI Standard ◦ Activity Standard ◦ Organization Standard ◦ IATI Codelists Available as IATI XML schemas 33
IATI Activity Standard Basic activity information Participating organizations Geopolitical information Classifications Financial details Related documents, activities Performance 34
IATI Organization Standard 35
IATI Codelists 36
IATI Data Publishing Organisations publish IATI standard files on their own website Submit a link to the central IATI Registry Use IATI Registry to find, use and stay updated on data from different publishers Whenever an organisation updates/adds IATI files, they let the registry know 37
IATI Registry 38
IATI Data of Nepal 39
Making aid more transparent ◦ high quality, timely information on Aid flow Actively involved in supporting the IATI 40
Map of Aid Activities 42
IATI Aid Activity Tables 43
Data Explorer CSV Transformations Query Builder XPath Endpoint XSLT Transformations Lists service XQuery service 44
Data Explorer – Table View Faceted Search / Browsing 46
Data Explorer – Timeline View 47
Developed using … 48 SIMILE project (MIT)
IATI Data as Linked Data 51
IATI Open Data Rating ★★★ Machine-readable data in XML format Towards RDF Linked Data ★★★★ 52
IATI Data as Linked Data What is happening Already? ◦ Code lists as Linked Data API access to the code-lists Return RDF linked data, SKOS concepts ◦ Sketching Linked Data Vocabularies ◦ Support for linked data in the IATI standard ref: (Tim Davies) 53
Tim Davies 54 Blog:
XSLT- XML Stylesheet Transformation 55 Source:
Further Possibilities 56
Further possibilities Mix-and-match existing vocabularies Perhaps ◦ Payment Ontology ◦ Business Ontologies, Semantic XBRL ◦ Academic Research Project Funding Ontology (ARPFO) ◦ DOAP (Description of a Project) ◦ ……. Generalized ‘Resource Flow’ ontology 57
Payments Ontology 58
XML to RDF Linked Data XML Semantics Reuse Methodology (Roberto García) ◦ XML Schema to OWL ◦ XML to RDF ReDeFer ◦ Convert XML to RDF/OWL 59
GRDDL Gleaning Resource Descriptions from Dialects of Languages Extract RDF data from XML formats via transformations identified by URIs and typically expressed in XSLT 60
Linking IATI to existing Linked Data Government Data ◦, etc. Semantic XBRL ◦ Financial Reports Research/Project Data (funded by the donor) Dbpedia (Wikipedia data) Geo Linked Data ……… so on 61
Linked data from 63
65 Open Knowledge Foundation
For the Developers 69
Semantic Web Platforms and Tools Semantic Web Frameworks ◦ Triple Stores ◦ Parsers and APIs ◦ SPARQL query processor Examples ◦ Java – Jena, Sesame ◦ Jena.NET ◦ PHP – ARC, Redland, RAP ◦ Ruby - ActiveRDF ◦ Virtuoso, Redland, 3store, Talis platform, RDF Pro, etc. Ontology editors ◦ Protégé, OntoStudio, TopBraid composer, etc. 70
Linked Data Platforms and Tools Linked Data Publishing Platforms ◦ D2R server ◦ Triplify ◦ Talis platform ◦ Kasabi ◦ Pubby ◦ Paget … etc. Linked Data/RDF Editors and Validators ◦ Hyena ◦ Vapour 71
Semantic Web Platforms and Tools Semantic Web CMS and frameworks ◦ Semantic Drupal ◦ Paggr ◦ ConStruct ◦ Structured Dynamics PoolParty ◦ Thesaurus management and SKOS editor Rhizomer ◦ publishing, querying, browsing, editing and interacting with semantic data 72
Social Semantic Web Tools Semantic Wikis ◦ Semantic Media Wiki ◦ OntoWiki ◦ KIWI: Knowledge in a Wiki … etc. Semantic blogging, tagging… etc. 73
Linked Data VisualizationTools SIMILE project (MIT) ◦ Exhibit ◦ Timeline ◦ Longwell (faceted browser) Many eyes ◦ Open platform for visualization 74
Conclusion Semantic Web ◦ A global Linked Open Data commons IATI standard data IATI as Linked Open Data ◦ Ongoing work ◦ Further possibilities Applications and Tools 76
Thank you! Semantic Questions? 77 Contact: