WoundTracker Wound Care Tracking on iPhone
The Problem Wound Care: – Visual tracking of the healing or progressing of a wound by photograph. – Requires manual upload and processing, such as lining up and resizing multiple images. – Requires visit to point of care. – Requires camera or ultra mobile pc with special software. – This can be expensive and less than portable.
WoundMatrix Source: WoundMatrix is software system currently used to track the progression and healing of wounds in a health care environment using photographs. It can cost over $100,000 to license, operate, and maintain. It has an awkward user interface.
WoundMatrix Screenshot Source:
My Solution An iPhone application: – Targeted for health care workers – Easy to use application for tracking and taking pictures of wounds – Track multiple patients – Image resizing – Cheaper than current systems
Comparison of Solutions As little as $99 Often $600 or more
Demo Screenshot 1 When the app is launched, the user is presented with a list of patients
Demo Screenshot 2 The user can edit or delete patients
Demo Screenshot 3 The user can easily add patients
Demo Screenshot 4 New patients are shown instantly in the searchable list of patients
Demo Screenshot 5 The patient list is easily searched
Demo Screenshot 6 Tapping on a patient reveals a list of existing snaps and lets the user add new ones.
Demo Screenshot 7 The built in camera is used to add new snaps
Demo Screenshot 8 Selecting a snap shows the associated image, which can be zoomed and panned using standard iPhone multitouch gestures Users can quickly skip though the images in time to see the progression of the wound