University of Leeds Teaching & Learning Conference Session 5 – Web-based resources for skills development
Web-based resources for Skills Development Student Personal Development Communication Skills and Employer liaison The Interviewer LearnHigher Information Literacy Starting at University Risk Assessment Referencing Skills Listening and Interpersonal Skills Resources to support maths skills development Math Centre Math Centre and Mathtutor Mathtutor University of Leeds study skills resources Faculty of Arts study skills resources Skill Centre Time Management
Student Personal Development Communication & Employer Liaison The Interviewer
LearnHigher Internet Detective – supporting Information Literacy Starting University Risk Assessment Referencing Skills Listening and Interpersonal Skills
Resources to support maths skills development Maths skills development MathCentre Mathtutor
University of Leeds study skills resources Study skills resources Faculty of Arts web-based resources Skills Centre Resources Time management
Risk AssessmentRisk Assessment exercise developed by the London Metropolitan University. Designed to explore grades and assessments, this exercise includes video footage, self assessment exercises and a risk reduction questionnaire. ReferencingReferencing resource developed by LearnHigher (Bradford University) This resource presents an overview of the principles underpinning referencing and a summary of the main referencing styles used in Britain. Questioning Skills Questioning Skills resource developed by LearnHigher (University of Leeds) This activity is designed to help identify both open and closed questions whilst considering the type of response the question is likely to give. Question TypesQuestion Types resource developed by LearnHigher (University of Leeds) This exercise introduces a number of different questioning techniques and shows how questions can be phrased to influence the direction of a conversation. Internet Detective Internet Detective resource developed by Manchester Metropolitan University This tutorial looks at the critical thinking required when using the Internet for research and offers practical advice on evaluating the quality of web sites. Faculty of Arts resources for skills development Faculty of Arts resources for skills development developed by the University of Leeds (School of English) This resource, designed specifically for students in the Faculty of Arts, provides study skills support to enable students to acquire knowledge, think critically, research effectively and write convincingly. Time management Time management resource developed by the University of Leeds (Skills Centre) This time management tutorial steps through the process of planning a diary while exploring methods for effective use of time.