The Network The Clinton and Bush Years…
Project Overview This project proposes creating a visualization of the network of presidential cabinet members and advisors for the Clinton and G. W. Bush administrations.
Target Audience Journalists, researchers, and the general public Complex connections exist between politicians, corporations, and other factors Hard to demonstrate a web of influence or the “revolving door” between government and industry using text Visualization tools offer a means for clearly demonstrating these connections to people uninterested in combing through detailed data
Typical Display of Govt/Corp Connections
Cabinet Data For our proof of concept, it was easier to compile data ourselves than find a source Focused Clinton and G.W. Bush cabinets For each cabinet member: Biographical (date and state of birth) Educational (all schools attended or affiliated with) Work histories (public & private) Political (party affiliation)
Comparable Visualizations Visual Complexity: The Political Blogosphere and the 2004 Election
They Rule Relationships of the US ruling class focusing on the boards of some of the most powerful U.S. companies, which share many of the same directors.
State Machine Members of senate and sources of campaign funding.
The Blogosphere The degree of interaction between liberal and conservative blogs in the 2004 election
Design Inspiration Disc visualizations: J.P. 232 in C.S.O. Blue Multidimensional Views: Critical Paths & Trajectories in Networks Vizster What Not Do: Power Law Graph
Network Nodes and Edges
Trying to Avoid…
Our Design Demo out of PPT...
Future Direction Scalability – adding more cabinets Search Add more dimensions & relationships: Other members of administration Spouses Campaign contributions Number of indictments