PLANNING FOR GIS It’s not just about a quote! Kenna Kelly
IT SHOULD BE A CONSULTATIVE PROCESS.... People Skills Organisational focus and tasks Data Budget ROI but the reality is different......??
.... TYPICALLY THE APPROACH IS..... Can you give me a quote for.....? (my inbox!) - X number of desktop software (often 10 x ArcInfo!) - Some training......? - Hardware perhaps.....?....Oh... and by the way... when can you deliver......? It really does need a more consultative process......?
......SO SHOULD I RESPOND WITH C AN YOU GIVE ME A QUOTE FOR..... YES? - x number of desktop software (often ArcInfo!) - $$$$?0,000 (well x = 10 because 10 people want GIS!) - Some training......? Of course. About $$$000 - Hardware perhaps.....? Well no not really.....Oh and by the way..... when can you deliver Very soon I’m sure ? This doesn’t work does it?
.... WHY NOT.....? You will not get the solution which meets your organisational requirements..... It will invariably : - cause complications and anxiety! - Cause you to lose faith in the products! - cost more Give me a headache ! So instead we , arrange a meeting or pick up the phone Can I just have a little chat to you about your GIS enquiry and see how we can work with you....? Don’t you think this makes more sense......?
......SO BACK TO GIS AND PLANNING A S A RESULT OF A CONSULTATIVE PROCESS WE DEFINE : a more cost effective solution - which meets your organisational needs - Saves time and money Increases GIS in your organisation by - Improving productivity - Increasing the quality of analysis and decisions - Enhancing communication and collaboration So how did we get there......? This doesn’t work does it?
.... Through research and dialogue.... We reviewed People - Skills - Organisational focus and tasks - Data... and came up with a set of requirements Requirements !!?
... And eventually we get onto......? Budget and ROI..... And by then we have a solution which makes sense and you don’t have a headache worrying about where you’re going to find $$$?0,
... WHICH HELPED US WITH PLANNING.... We help you look at your organisation and user base: - who the end-users are, - WORKFLOW: to recognize relationships and dependencies among people directly and indirectly involved in GIS work - which tasks they perform with GIS in order to achieve specified goals, - when and where they use GIS, - the way they react and what they expect from the usage of GIS. … and training. Training is important for the success of the solution and then.....?
... WE ARE ABLE TO SCOPE A SOLUTION..... FROM THE INFORMATION YOU GIVE US... - You have dedicated GIS User(s)? - You have people who need GIS but don’t create maps? - You have people who need GIS for decision making? - You need an organisational wide GIS solution You have specific training requirements..... so what does a solution look like.....?
... A SCALABLE ENTERPRISE OPTION..... A range of desktop GIS - for the dedicated GIS Users who do the analysis and create the maps: A web GIS solution - for dissemination of information organisation wide - Providing a self-service option for the GIS people who need your maps and can create reports Training Pathways - For the GIS professionals - For managing the web based solution..... And the efficiency bit.....?
... WELL THE WIN-WIN BIT GIS professionals are provided with the tools they need to carry out their jobs efficiently and effectively. GIS users require around 10% of the functionality of a basic desktop product... Web based GIS will provide them with the flexibility they need and the independence of a self-service option The Organisation has a scalable solution allowing future growth as the uptake on GIS increases So no headaches then.....?
... A LITTLE MORE ON THE WIN-WIN BIT You won’t need 10 ArcInfo’s! Just remember to include us in the consultative process.....?