What’s The Solar System? The Earth that we live on,the Sun,and the Moon are all parts of the Solar System because everything moves around the Sun.There are nine planets in the Solar System,and the Earth is just one of them. Most of them have moons moving around them.
The Sun The Sun is the biggest star in the Solar System. It is very big that one million Earths could fit inside it. It is very hot- it’s the hottest star that exist in the Solar System. It’s always moving. It is dangerous to look directly at the sun.
Mercury Is a small planet that orbits very close to the Sun.It’s the closest planet to the Sun.The Sun’s light makes Mercury’s days very hot, however, the nights are cold.It’s much colder than any freezer. It’s because there is no air to stop the heat from escaping.
Venus Venus is the closest planet to Earth. On Venus the sky is yellow and cloudy. The Sun makes Venus extremely hot. It has enormous volcanoes. Sometimes they erupt at the same time, covering the whole planet with lava. Many spaceships have visited Venus, but they have been destroyed by the heat an acid in the air.
Planet Earth Earth is the planet we live on. It has only one moon. Most of it’s surface is covered with water, so from space Earth looks blue.Together, the water,air, and warmth from the Sun make life on Earth possible.There are many different types of plants and animals that live on Earth. It has many volcanoes and earthquakes.
Mars Mars is red because it is rusty. There is a lot of iron in the soil, and the air on Mars has made it turn red. It’s poles are covered with ice. The ice becomes thicker in the winter. It has two tiny moons. Mars is covered with deserts,canyons,craters,and gigantic dead volcanoes.
Jupiter Jupiter is the biggest planet. It is 1,300 times the size of the Earth. It spins around the Sun quickly,so it’s days are only ten hours long. It doesn’t have a solid surface. It’s not possible to land a spaceship on Jupiter. It’s a very stormy planet.It also has many moons. Some moons are bigger than Mercury and Pluto.
Saturn Saturn is a very beautiful planet. Saturn is so light that if there was an ocean big enough, the planet could float in it. Saturn’s rings are made of up of billions of pieces of rocks and dust. It’s rings are very bright.
Uranus Uranus is a huge,cold,blue-green world far out in space. It is surrounded by many black rings and icy moons. Because of the strange way it spins, the nights on some parts of Uranus can last for more than 40 years.
Neptune Neptune is an extremely cold blue planet. It is very far away from Earth. The space probe Voyager 2 took 12 years to reach it. Neptune has different moons; one of the moons is called Triton,it has volcanic eruptions of liquid nitrogen. It is the stormiest planet. The winds can can blow up to 1,240 miles per hour.
Pluto Pluto is the farthest planet from the Sun. It is tiny, reddish- brown, and smaller than Earth’s moon. Because it’s very small and distant, Pluto can only be seen from Earth by using a powerful telescope. It is the only planet that no spaceship has reached, we do not know what it really looks like.