L OVEJOY L EOPARDS Welcome Back!!!
C LASS OF 2013 – J UNIOR Y EAR The most important year for colleges Advocate for yourself Take advantage of the resources available Time management is key Be organized and communicate
L OVEJOY G RADUATE P ROFILE Intellectually equipped Open to the challenges of learning Well rounded Engaged in a healthy lifestyle Fair and respectful of others Working for justice through community service
P ARKING L OT Parking lot selection will take place next Friday beginning at 9 am. Students must provide a copy of proof of insurance and valid driver’s license. Please fill out online application prior to arrival on that day.
F IRST D AY OF S CHOOL Pick up schedules on the left side of the commons. Meet in band hall for class meeting at 8:55. Senior Walk-In at 9:45 Classes begin at 10am. New schedule – periods 1-8 everyday 3 Lunches instead of 4 School hours are 8:55 to 4:10.
A CADEMICS Time Management Extracurricular AP College Visits Club/Group/Peer Leadership
AP C OURSES AP Testing and Data
AP E NROLLMENT IN L OVEJOY In 2010, LHS administered 587 AP tests in April. In 2011, 855 tests were given. Large enrollment increases occurred in Calculus AB, Calculus BC, English Lang., French Lang., Psychology, Statistics, US Govt., US History, and World History. In 2011, 75% (172 of 229)seniors took at least one AP course. Of these 172 students, 61 (35%) took an AP course for the first time as a senior.
AP S CHOLARS In 2010, Lovejoy ISD had 65 AP Scholars. This represented 16% of the eligible students. In 2011, Lovejoy ISD will have 86 AP Scholars. This represents 20% of the eligible students.
AP S CHOLARS AND GPA Of the 42 AP scholars, 24 were graduates in the Class of Rank and GPA indicates: 10 in top 25% 9 in second quarter 4 in third quarter 1 in fourth quarter
C HOICES Making Good Choices This Year Leading underclassmen to do best work Leading peers to have a successful junior year
S TUDENT A CTIVITIES Junior Activities - Community Service Community service will be ongoing throughout the year. All clubs, organizations, and extracurriculars (athletics, fine arts) will be asked to participate in community service. Focus of all activities will be on graduate profile. For juniors, emphasis will be on being well- rounded and developing as the next leaders on our campus.
S TUDENT A CTIVITIES Junior Class – Tomorrow’s Leaders Introduction of Officers/Sponsors JOLT – “Juniors Obtaining Leadership Training” Community Service – Angel Tree, Big Brothers/Big Sisters Facebook Page - We welcome student input and ideas.