Storyboard Presentation for Final Project/Creating with Interactive Media By Paul Lee and Christine Perea
Extended Techniques for Orchestral Instruments This site is being created to serve as a reference for teachers and students. The subject matter will be the performance of contemporary extended techniques. This site will begin with information pertaining to the flute and violin, but is intended to include all orchestral instruments.
The user will be presented with an introduction to the term “extended technique” as it has been used in contemporary music composition. This will be followed by a list of icons representing the instruments for which extended technique information is available. fluteviolin
The extended techniques will be classified according to their production methods and resulting sounds. The following example outlines the sections which will be included in the page pertaining to extended techniques for the flute. Monophonic/Timbral possibilitiesMonophonic/Timbral possibilities Percussive SoundsPercussive Sounds MultiphonicsMultiphonics
The following represents the options that the user will be given upon choosing one of the extended techniques.