Water Quality Modeling in GIS Application of Schematic Network Processing Schema Links and Nodes have unique behaviors based on their type A framework for unifying watershed, stream, and estuary models
Two Case Studies Galveston Bay Bacteria Study –Application of Model Builder (Arc Toolbox 9.0) Guadalupe River Nitrogen Study –Application of SPARROW for load estimation
Galveston Bay
Model Builder
Rainfall to Runoff
Rainfall to Runoff (1 of 2)
Rainfall to Runoff (2 of 2)
EMC Grid
Load Grid
Zonal Statistics
Process the Schematic Network
SPARROW Regional-scale statistical water-quality model Developed by USGS Estimates load of pollutant for each sub watershed within a monitored basin using SAS Has been applied to continental US, Mississippi Basin, and Northeastern US
414 National Stream Quality Accounting Network (NASQAN) Stream Monitoring Locations
The Guadalupe River at Victoria Texas Basin Red represents along stream flow Green represents land to channel flow
Land Surface Load = 100 kg/yr Upstream Load = 50 kg/yr Load = 50 x d channel +100 x d surface d channel = decay due to travel along river channel transport d surface = decay due to land surface to river channel transport Schematic Network Processing Algorithm
Nitrogen Load Predictions
Comparison with SPARROW Published Results
1:500,000 1:24,000 Future Direction: Improve Data Resolution