THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTIONS OF 1917 “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity”
THE HOME FRONT War causes much suffering entire country mobilized patriotism limited & waning scarcities of necessities mass inflation strikes and protests further loss of confidence in tsarist govt. THE FIRST WORLD WAR Tsar & Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich Grigorii Rasputin Female soldiers
FEBRUARY REVOLUTION Increasing unrest International Women’s Day: Feb. 24/March 7 Women’s protest joined by workers & soldiers THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTIONS OF 1917 Tsar abdicates ending 300 years of Romanov rule
THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTIONS OF 1917 RUSSIA BETWEEN REVOLUTIONS “DUAL POWER” Creation of Provisional Government Establishment of Soviets Petrograd Soviet of Workers’ & Soldiers’ Deputies Provisional Government Alexander Kerensky
THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTIONS OF 1917 RUSSIA BETWEEN REVOLUTIONS Provisional Government has many problems the war general chaos the peasants awaiting Constituent Assembly Pro-Soviet demonstration 1 st Russian Women’s Battalion of Death the Soviets
THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTIONS OF 1917 RUSSIA BETWEEN REVOLUTIONS “All power to the Soviets” “July Days” “The Kornilov Affair” General Lavr Kornilov formation of Red Guards Bolsheviks’ platform: “Land, Bread, and Peace”
THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTIONS OF 1917 THE OCTOBER REVOLUTION The Bolshevik Plan establish Military Revolutionary Committee Lenin argues for Oct. 25 action Grigorii Zinoviev & Lev Kamenev oppose plan
THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTIONS OF 1917 THE OCTOBER REVOLUTION The Final Act Red Guards, soldiers, sailors take control of Petrograd, Oct (Nov 6-7) Take Winter Palace & arrest Provisional Govt.