MICE VIDEO CONFERENCE Cooling Channel/Detector Integration July 30, 2003 Edgar L. Black IIT
New modified focus/absorber module
The layout of the new focusing/hydrogen absorber module was completed for the welded and non welded absorber windows. Layouts indicate that both cases are feasible for assembly within the constraints specified. Aspects of safety reliance however, requires a safety verification program for both cases which will be discussed separate from this presentation and it will include procedures, costs and schedule not considered in our original plans.
Integration findings and concerns: During the process of laying out the magnets, discrepancies on the dimensional data were encountered, the data was collected from: B. Palmer documents, the MICE proposal to RAL on January 10, 2003 and M. Green’s papers at Columbia University. The magnets parameters need to be verified, to validate the current layouts Ones the parameters are verified, the “MICE MAGNET LAYOUT” drawing (see next slide) shall be the core for the MICE elements final design and locations.
Essential base for the MICE hardware elements design & location
MICE magnets geometry parameters
Fig. 3.1 “Layout of the experiment”, on section 3 of the proposal, shall be replaced with the drawing in the next slide, it is based on the new focus/hydrogen module design with the modified parameters. Nomenclature of the MICE elements are copied from table 3.1 and the parameters for the elements position along the beam are interpolated with the data sources mentioned above. (Note the TOF 2 and the Cherenkov are transpose in the table ?) Additional drawings in PDF format are accessible on the web.
Layout of the experiment, total assembly
Safety issues Enclosure integrity, gas barrier continuity up to the detectors vessels need to be analyze Additional windows for the detectors, locations and sizes shall be determined Connection between the modified modules require new detail design Criteria for the test and acceptance for all welded and non welded windows is being developed
Partial detector cooling channel safety related assembly details
Preliminary MICE end view in the RAL facility