Clouds How to recognise them and be wiser for it
Today’s menu Discussion Some clouds More clouds
Clouds: visible Clouds appear bright Thicker clouds are brighter (greater optical depth) Clouds with more water (or ice) content are brighter
Cloud activity How can we tell different cloud types from one another?
From VIS Brightness Shape (and changes in shape) Texture Motion
Using IR Temperature –Related to height Change in temperature –Related to change in height Shape
Fronts - Vis
Fronts - IR
Lots of clouds Fronts have all kinds of clouds and we can compare the Vis and IR to tell one from the other Low Sc are dark on the IR but fairly bright on the Vis Ci are bright (cold) on the IR, but less distinctive on the Vis
More info Lots more detail on the Vis – higher resolution Vis has good contrast between cloud and sea, while IR has contrast between cloud and land (at the time of year shown in particular) And there was Ac in there too
Here’s some visible Ci
Here comes the big picture What do you see?
Low clouds
To the computer room GARP