Economic Globalization Sociology 2, Class 10 Copyright © 2010 by Evan Schofer Do not copy or distribute without permission
Announcements –Midterm next class: Feb 9 Bring something to write with! Midterm review sheet handed out previously –Available on the course website –NO SECTION during week of midterm!!! No section meetings Feb 8-12 –One week 5 reading won’t be on the exam: Brawley, Mark R “Globalization and Domestic Politics” Pp (Chapter 5) in The Politics of Globalization. Toronto, Ontario: Broadview. Agenda Wrap up and more midterm review.
Midterm Info Topic coverage: –All class lecture material Lecture notes on course website –All readings up through Week 5 –Commanding Heights video, Episodes 1 & 3 Available via course web page… –Exam Format: Closed book / closed notes Mix of short answer/multiple choice, medium length, and perhaps one short essay question.
Globalization and Governance Issue: Can we do anything about the negative consequences of globalization As Stiglitz recommends we “reform governance” What does he mean? Governance: Ruling, governing, or managing Sovereignty: Supreme power over a body politic; freedom from external control (Webster) Related term: autonomy
Governance: Definitions Treaty: An agreement among nations to follow certain rules Ex: GATT: “General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade” –Set rules for global trade, prior to the WTO Ex: Montreal Protocol on CFC emissions –An environmental treaty, in which countries agreed to ban the use of chemicals that damaged the Ozone layer.
Governance: Definitions IGO: Inter-governmental Organization: An organization whose members are governments –Again, purpose is usually to negotiate or enforce agreements among governments Ex: The World Trade Organization (WTO) –Members created it as a forum to manage world trade Ex: The World Bank –Governments created it to reduce poverty and encourage development via loans and projects Ex: European Union –An supra-national government that coordinates (and in some cases has the power to set) economic & trade policies for member countries Ex: UNEP: The United Nations Environment Program –Branch of the UN; urges nations to address environmental issues
Key Players in Global Governance
Civil Society Issue: States and corporations are not the only players in global governance Civil society: citizen activity in the public sphere that is not part of the state or business sector Includes things like: Citizen participation in organizations, protest activities Social movements: Sustained efforts by members of civil society to challenge existing governance and produce social change.
Governance: Definitions Some components of civil society: NGO: Non-governmental Organization A domestic association –Clean Water Action; The Nature Conservancy Also sometimes called “non-profits” or “associations” INGO: International non-governmental organization An association that is international in membership and (typically) scope Ex: Greenpeace, WWF
Governance: Issue to reflect on… Issue: Who should be able to participate in making the rules for governing globalization? Just states? Domestic or international NGOs & social movements? Random people? What would a more democratic “global governance” look like?
Video: Commanding Heights Wrap up: Inequality, governance, and the future of globalization Episode 3, Chapters 17-end (28 minutes) –If time allows…
Midterm Review Additional review, for those who wish to stay…