Tempus Compact Project: Planning Workshop: Revised Budget and Activity Plan 2000/2001 University of Jyväskylä, Finland 8 February 2001 Contract UM_CP
Overview 2 nd project year: - O utcomes - Duties of the partners - Revised budget
Outcome 3, 2 year The set of Manuals for management of students practical placements program of practical placements the instruction for assigning credits for internal and external practical placements intensive re-training
Outcome 4, 2 year Dissemination workshops Preparing the agreement on credit transfer Local workshops in partner country
Duties of the partners: University of Jyväskylä Coordinator’s functions Providing data for the set of manuals: management documents, expert consulting Organizing re-training Contractor’s functions Writing Final report
Duties of the partners: Athens university of E&B Providing data for the set of manuals: management documents, expert consulting Preparing and signing the agreement together with KhTURE team Organizing quality control meetings 2-week workshop
Duties of the partners: Kharkov university of Radioelectronics Project planning Developing the set of manuals Expert seminar Preparing and signing the agreement together with AUEB team Organizing dissemination local workshops