1 Civil Systems Planning Benefit/Cost Analysis Scott Matthews Courses: / / Lecture /5/2005
and Admin Issues PS 3 returned on Monday Joe and Pauli will give feedback and answers Early Course Feedback Lecture
3 Decision Trees Example with Treeplan
and Risk Profiles Risk profile shows a distribution of possible payoffs associated with particular strategies. A strategy is what you plan to do going in to the decision. Holds your plans constant, allows chances to occur Only eliminate things YOU wouldn’t do, not things “they” might not do. Its not just finding the NPV of a branch.
and Cumulative Risk Profiles Graphs of cumulative distributions Percent chance that “payoff is less than x”
and Multi-objective Methods Multiobjective programming Mult. criteria decision making (MCDM) Is both an analytical philosophy and a set of specific analytical techniques Deals explicitly with multi-criteria DM Provides mechanism incorporating values Promotes inclusive DM processes Encourages interdisciplinary approaches
and Decision Making Real decision making problems are MC in nature Most decisions require tradeoffs E.g. college-selection problem BCA does not handle MC decisions well It needs dollar values for everything Assumes all B/C quantifiable BCA still important : economic efficiency
and MCDM Terminology Non-dominance (aka Pareto Optimal) Alternative is non-dominated if there is no other feasible alternative that would improve one criterion without making at least one other criterion worse Non-dominated set: set of all alternatives of non-dominance
and Choosing a Car CarFuel Eff (mpg) Comfort Index Mercedes2510 Chevrolet283 Toyota356 Volvo309 Which non-dominated, dominated?
and Conflicting Criteria Two criteria ‘conflict’ if the alternative which is best in one criteria is not the best in the other Do fuel eff and comfort conflict? Usual. Typically have lots of conflicts. Tradeoff: the amount of one criterion which must be given up to attain an increase of one unit in another criteria
and Tradeoff of Car Problem Fuel Eff Comfort M V T C 1) What is tradeoff between Mercedes and Volvo? 2) What can we see graphically about dominated alternatives?
and Tradeoff of Car Problem Fuel Eff Comfort M(25,10) V(30,9) T C 5 The slope of the line between M and V is -1/5, i.e., you must trade one unit less of comfort for 5 units more of fuel efficiency.
and MCDM with Decision Trees Incorporate uncertainties as event nodes with branches across possibilities See summer job example in Chapter 4. Still need special (external) scales. And need to value/normalize them Typically give 100 to best, 0 to worst, find scale for everything between (job fun) Get both criteria on scales! Also need WEIGHTS between 2 criteria (your preference, nobody else’s!) Weights - based on ratio best to worst on each scale