GLAST LAT ProjectISOC CDR, 4 August 2004 Document: LAT-PR-04500Section 4.11 GLAST Large Area Telescope: Instrument Science Operations Center CDR Section.


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Presentation transcript:

GLAST LAT ProjectISOC CDR, 4 August 2004 Document: LAT-PR-04500Section 4.11 GLAST Large Area Telescope: Instrument Science Operations Center CDR Section 4.1 Operations Planning & Interfaces Lori Bator ONE-SLAC Seth Digel SLAC Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope

GLAST LAT ProjectISOC CDR, 4 August 2004 Document: LAT-PR-04500Section 4.12 LAT Operations Planning and Command Process

GLAST LAT ProjectISOC CDR, 4 August 2004 Document: LAT-PR-04500Section 4.13 Definitions  Science Plan – Observatory activities –Phase 1: ISOC maintains LAT science plan –Phase 2: Plan maintained by GSSC [Phase 2] and includes guest investigator proposals, coordinated with GBM and LAT. GSSC assists in overall science plan evaluation and will manage the proposal process.  Operations Plan – Derived from evaluated performance of the LAT, the as-flown timeline, the science plan [for Phases 1 and 2], and calibration needs  Command Plan – The translation of the operations plan into ATS commands, file uploads and real-time operations procedures for one week of operating the LAT. Tables of parameter values and flight software are also part of the command plan.

GLAST LAT ProjectISOC CDR, 4 August 2004 Document: LAT-PR-04500Section 4.14 Operations Planning Seth Digel

GLAST LAT ProjectISOC CDR, 4 August 2004 Document: LAT-PR-04500Section 4.15 Operations Planning in the ISOC  Describing what goes on in this box From the Operations Concept Document (LAT-SS-01378)

GLAST LAT ProjectISOC CDR, 4 August 2004 Document: LAT-PR-04500Section 4.16 ISOC Organization ISOC Manager 4.1.B.10 Command, H&S Commanding Health & Safety Configuration 4.1.B.11 FSW Thermal Control Trigger Filter Testbed 4.1.B.12 Performance V&O Calibration Performance Trending Standard Source Monitoring IRF Generation 4.1.B.13 Science Products Level 1 CRs, gammas, diagnostics Level 2 Transients, GRBs Pipeline Server 4.1.B.14 Science Analysis Software Simulation Calibration Reconstruction & Event Classif. Transient Source Analysis Databases  All ISOC teams are involved in this activity; input can also come from outside the ISOC) – CHS is the lead

GLAST LAT ProjectISOC CDR, 4 August 2004 Document: LAT-PR-04500Section 4.17 Operations Plan  Monthly plan of LAT operations based on the overall science plan  Science activities per se are not typically the driver –For a scanning sky survey (Phase 1 and likely also most of Phase 2), the ‘science activities’ are the same all the time –The science plan in Phase 2 will be developed by the GSSC  The subsystems have calibration needs that occasionally will require special observing modes (or scheduling of more than the usual number of TDRS contacts)  Most calibration data taking will not require specific orientations for GLAST –Occasional exceptions will be, e.g., pointed observation of ‘standard candle’ celestial sources or possibly scans of the Earth limb and the nadir to characterize the albedo background  So, in general the operations plan may have no impact on the pointing of GLAST, and will be irrelevant in development of the contact schedule for TDRSS

GLAST LAT ProjectISOC CDR, 4 August 2004 Document: LAT-PR-04500Section 4.18 Influences on the Operations Plan  [PVO] The calibration requirements of the subsystems, detailed in LAT-MD define the basic ‘recurrence time’ of the calibrations  [CHS] The as-flown timeline is monitored to determine whether requested calibration observations were made. [N.B. Again, many of the calibration observations can be made without interrupting science observations.]  [FSW] Approved software updates and table loads need to be scheduled  [SP] Routine processing of calibration data - not interpretation of results, but supports PVO  [SAS] Also supports PVO with, e.g., simulation software for the LAT

GLAST LAT ProjectISOC CDR, 4 August 2004 Document: LAT-PR-04500Section 4.19 Appropriate Oversight  The organization of the scientific activities of the LAT collaboration outside of the ISOC is still being defined –This will be a major subject of the next collaboration meeting, Sept at SLAC  What seems likely right now: A committee with collaboration and probably Project Scientist representation will oversee the science-related activities of the ISOC, i.e., will serve as the interface between science and operations  Examples of the science-operations interface: –Acceptance of updated algorithms for the LAT trigger or event filtering (on board or on the ground) –Definitions of conditions when the LAT will autonomously request a repointed observation

GLAST LAT ProjectISOC CDR, 4 August 2004 Document: LAT-PR-04500Section Regarding Phases 0 & 1  Phase 0 – turn on and checkout of the LAT – a special case in almost every respect, although the internal interfaces in the ISOC will of course remain the same –Phase 0 does not have a science plan, but calibration activities will be intense  Phase 1 – the scanning sky survey year – For this year, the ISOC will also need to define the science plan –Basically this will mean optimizing the rocking strategy, and of course assessing/mitigating the impact on the sky survey from any pointed observations or unusual instrument modes required for calibration data taking

GLAST LAT ProjectISOC CDR, 4 August 2004 Document: LAT-PR-04500Section Command Plan Generation Lori Bator

GLAST LAT ProjectISOC CDR, 4 August 2004 Document: LAT-PR-04500Section Command Plan Generation in the ISOC  Describing what goes on in these boxes From the Operations Concept Document (LAT-SS-01378)

GLAST LAT ProjectISOC CDR, 4 August 2004 Document: LAT-PR-04500Section Command Plan  Generated by CHS team  Contains all LAT commanding requirements to fulfill a one- week period of the Operations Plan –ATS Load commands –File loads Table uploads, configuration changes, FSW loads –Command procedures Commands requested to be sent in real-time  Verify and validate command plan elements on testbed  Sent to GSSC about 2 weeks prior to upload –GSSC incorporates command plan elements into Preliminary ScienceTimeline  Changes that don’t impact the observing schedule or TDRS contacts can be sent up to 4 days prior to upload in time for GSSC to generate Final Science Timeline

GLAST LAT ProjectISOC CDR, 4 August 2004 Document: LAT-PR-04500Section Planning for One Week’s Activities

GLAST LAT ProjectISOC CDR, 4 August 2004 Document: LAT-PR-04500Section Typical Month of Planning

GLAST LAT ProjectISOC CDR, 4 August 2004 Document: LAT-PR-04500Section Status  Continuing to finalize details of commanding process with GSSC and MOC –Weekly GOWG meetings –Ops TIMs –Operations Data Products ICD (492-MOC-009) –Operations Agreement  Documented in ISOC Operations Plan (LAT-SS-01378)