Basic Residency Requirements Amy Wilson, Pharm.D. Creighton University Drug Information Services
Pharmacy Practice Residency (PGY1) Required Outcomes Manage and improve medication-use process Provide evidence-based, patient- centered medication therapy management with interdisciplinary teams Exercise leadership and practice management skills
Pharmacy Practice Residency (PGY1) Required Outcomes Demonstrate project management skills Provide medication and practice-related education and training Utilize medication informatics
Pharmacy Practice Residency (PGY1) Elective Outcomes Conduct pharmacy practice research Exercise added leadership & practice management skills Demonstrate knowledge & skills particular to generalist practice in the home care or managed care environments Participate in the management of medication emergencies Contribute to formulary decisions Provide drug information to HCP or the public
Pharmacy Practice Residencies Hospital or Medical Center Community Home infusion Family practice Long term care facilities Ambulatory settings Managed care settings Other settings?
Specialized Residencies (PGY2) Critical care Drug Information Geriatrics Infectious Diseases Internal Medicine Nuclear pharmacy Nutrition support * Specialized residencies may not be accredited Oncology Managed care Pediatrics Pharmacotherapy Management Primary Care Psychiatric pharmacy