Tahira K. Hira, UW. November 12,09 Iowa State University Tahira K. Hira, Professor Executive Assistant to the President Iowa State University Member-US President’s Advisory Council on Financial Literacy
Tahira K. Hira, UW. November 12,09 Iowa State University Background Long journey-east to west –Schooling, professional life –Role of Fulbright scholarship –Family of birth and acquired families –Global citizen My passion and beliefs –Education for me & every one else –Freedom of thought and action –“Sky is the limit” –Giving and forgiving 2
Tahira K. Hira, UW. November 12,09 Iowa State University Neal Donald Walsch says …. Life Is not a process of discovery, life is a process of creation No condition is good or bad, all conditions are temporary, nothing stays same, nothing remains static, which way a thing changes depends on you. Conversations with God: an uncommon dialogue. Book 1. Neal Donald Walsch
Tahira K. Hira, UW. November 12,09 Iowa State University 4 Leadership is the willingness and capacity to respond to what is needed in a situation. And many of us have that opportunity to give leadership. You may be in a group of twenty people, and you know something needs to be done. You may not be the leader, but you are going to give leadership to the group by responding in some way that you help it to move. You can open the gate for others to come in. Leadership is the willingness and the capacity to respond to what is needed in a situation
Tahira K. Hira, UW. November 12,09 Iowa State University True Leaders in my observation Have integrity, are confident and passionate Care enough to make a difference Are able to deal with failure Take risks Have trust in others Can make change happen Take care of the weakest person in the system Are ladder builders, they are not ladder climbers 5
Tahira K. Hira, UW. November 12,09 Iowa State University What does success look like for me? Being able to serve the organization you care for in all different ways My almamater recognizes your work My student becomes president of a large university My work is recognized at the highest level, and I am invited to Oval office I am content, at peace, sleep well at night I am fortunate to have someone to share good and bad of life with 6
Tahira K. Hira, UW. November 12,09 Iowa State University Power of the mind As you think, so you are; as you continue to think, so you remain.” (As You Think. Marc Allen, P45,The Classic Wisdom Collection 7
Tahira K. Hira, UW. November 12,09 Iowa State University Audrey Hepburn’s beauty tips For attractive lips, speak words of kindness For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry For beautiful hair, let a child run their fingers through it once a day For poise, walk with the knowledge you’ll never walk alone 8
Tahira K. Hira, UW. November 12,09 Iowa State University Read, travel, keep learning Books: –Harem from within (Fatima Mernissi) –When bad things happen to good people (Harold Kushner) –As You Think. (Marc Allen) –Conversations with God: an uncommon dialogue. Book 1. (Neal Donald Walsh) –Three feet from gold: (Sharon Lechter) Radio –NPR: Speaking of Faith, This American Life Authors: –Karen Armstrong –Parker Palmer 9
Tahira K. Hira, UW. November 12,09 Iowa State University Leadership Team at Iowa State
Tahira K. Hira, UW. November 12,09 Iowa State University 11
Tahira K. Hira, UW. November 12,09 Iowa State University 12
Tahira K. Hira, UW. November 12,09 Iowa State University A Historic Moment 13
Tahira K. Hira, UW. November 12,09 Iowa State University My Background You in the new millennium Developing a philosophy of your own How to plan to be successful Past, present and future Living in a global environment 14
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