By Ryan Johnson
General Overview NTD >20% of human population infected Locally underestimated Public health crucial
Trichuris Nematodes Coevolved with Man Infects old and new world monkeys Discovered in 1740
Fecal-Oral Transmission Soil to mouth
Embryonic Development Must Occur Outside of the Human 3 weeks later I won’t be able to hatch in your stomach if you eat me now. Gimme 3 weeks! Time’s up… …EAT ME!!!
Signs and Symptoms Light infestation – asymptomatic Severe infestation – GI problems
Treatment Mebendazole
Prevents Microtubule Polymerization
Preventive Chemotherapy Heaviest burden on kids Treatment 2x a year 1 dose = fraction USD
Fernando, Ranjan L; Tropical infectious diseases : epidemiology, investigation, diagnosis and management; London : Greenwich Medical Media, Hutchinson, et al; Clinical Trial of Mebendazole, A Broad-spectrum Anthelminthic; 8/pdf/brmedj pdf/?tool=pmcentrez 8/pdf/brmedj pdf/?tool=pmcentrez Miller, et al; Mebendazole, An Effective Anthelmintic for Trichuriasis and Enterobiasis;