GLAST LAT Project Quarterly Review, Aug. 14, 2001 Gunther Haller1 GLAST Large Area Telescope: Electronics, DAQ & Flight Software Gunther Haller Stanford.


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Presentation transcript:

GLAST LAT Project Quarterly Review, Aug. 14, 2001 Gunther Haller1 GLAST Large Area Telescope: Electronics, DAQ & Flight Software Gunther Haller Stanford Linear Accelerator Center Electronics System Engineer Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope

GLAST LAT Project Quarterly Review, Aug. 14, 2001 Gunther Haller2 Content Electronics System –Overview –Location –Architecture –Deliverables –WBS Organization Recent Progress Milestones & Budget Response to Recommendations from last Review

GLAST LAT Project Quarterly Review, Aug. 14, 2001 Gunther Haller3 LAT Electronics Overview TKR, CAL & ACD Sub-System Electronics –Amplification/shaping/digitization of detector signals Trigger path for fast response (2 usec trigger latency) Event path for trigger-selected high-resolution data readout Trigger & Dataflow Electronics –Commanding and messaging of LAT electronics –Configuration & Control of TKR, CAL, & ACD front-end electronics –Triggering –Event data acquisition, buffering, reconstruction and filtering –Spacecraft interface electronics –Instrument health monitoring –Support for sub-system electronics development Power System –Distribution, switching, conditioning, regulation of spacecraft supplied power to all LAT electronics

GLAST LAT Project Quarterly Review, Aug. 14, 2001 Gunther Haller4 Location of LAT Electronics TKR Elex on each of the 16 towers CAL Elex on each of the 16 towers ACD Elex on all 4 sides Distributed in boxes under the 16 towers (LAT shown upside-down): –Trigger & Dataflow (DAQ) Electronics –Power System

GLAST LAT Project Quarterly Review, Aug. 14, 2001 Gunther Haller5 Electronics Architecture Front-End CAL TKR TKR-CAL TEM Event Processor Units Intercon- nection Module Space- craft Interface Unit Tower ACD ACD EM to/from SC Control & Processed Event Data Event Data Control & Processed Event Data 5 each (4+1) 2 each (1+1) 16 each (16+0) 2 each (1+1) Front-End * (1+1) = (1 Primary + 1 Secondary) Monitoring Module Distribution & GLT Assembly Control, HSK Data Control, Trigger, Event & HSK Data Global Trigger Module 2 each (1+1) Power Supply System 2 each (1+1)

GLAST LAT Project Quarterly Review, Aug. 14, 2001 Gunther Haller6 Trigger & Dataflow, Power Modules 16 TKR-CAL Tower Electronics Modules (16 Primary + 0 Secondary) 2 ACD Electronics Modules (1 P + 1 S) 2 Interconnection Modules (1 P & 1 S) 2 Global Trigger Modules (1 P & 1 S) 5 Event-Processor Units (4 P & 1 S) –603e/750 Power-PC processor PCI card –Event-Processor - LAT communication PCI card –PCI Backplane 2 Spacecraft Interface Units (1 P & 1 S) –603e/750 Power-PC processor PCI card –SIU - LAT communication PCI card –SIU - Spacecraft communication PCI card –PCI Backplane 2 LAT Monitoring Units (1 P & 1 S) Power supplies for all modules above Power Distribution Module (1 P & 1 S)


GLAST LAT Project Quarterly Review, Aug. 14, 2001 Gunther Haller8 Recent Technical Progress Requirement Documents for –Trigger & Dataflow System Level III –Trigger Level IV –Dataflow Level IV –Power System Level III –Power Supplies Level IV Design Documents for –Overall Electronics System –Global Trigger System –Tower Electronics Module –Spacecraft Interface Unit –Grounding & Shielding (EMI) –Mission Assurance –Flight-Software All documents on web page see –

GLAST LAT Project Quarterly Review, Aug. 14, 2001 Gunther Haller9 Recent Budget & Schedule Progress Tasks entered to lowest level (7) in PMCS Resource loaded schedule Components organized as –Pre-Engineering Module –Engineering Module 1 –Engineering Module 2 (function and interface like flight-electronics but with commercial components) –Qualification Module –Flight Module Each of the modules scheduled as –Requirements –Conceptual Design –Preliminary Design –Layout, Fabrication, Assembly –Standalone Test –System Test

GLAST LAT Project Quarterly Review, Aug. 14, 2001 Gunther Haller10 Milestones Trigger & Dataflow Requirements Review03/27/01 T & DF PDR07/16/01 Flight Software PDR07/16/01 LAT Instrument PDR09/25/01 Engineering Model 1 (EM1) System Test Complete03/15/02 T&DF CDR06/19/02 Flight Software CDR06/12/02 LAT Instrument CDR08/05/02 Engineering Model 2 (EM2; flight software & DAQ) System Test Complete05/10/03 Deliver Electronics Units for Calibration Unit05/10/03 Assemble/Test Qual Unit07/15/03 Assemble/Test last Flight Unit12/01/03

GLAST LAT Project Quarterly Review, Aug. 14, 2001 Gunther Haller11 Budget Profile

GLAST LAT Project Quarterly Review, Aug. 14, 2001 Gunther Haller12 Recommendations from Last Review Additional Manpower for Flight Software –Added 2 SLAC people to work on FSW Rick Claus (moving to GLAST project) Curt Brune (new hire)