21/05/2010Fast detectors - Opticon Board Malta1
The conclusion of FP6 21/05/2010Fast detectors - Opticon Board Malta2
Demonstration of the e2v CCD220 AO detector with OCam Thursday at Coffee/Lunch breaks ESO council room 21/05/20103Fast detectors - Opticon Board Malta Split frame transfer 8-output back-illuminated e2v-L3Vision CCD. 240 x 240 pixels 8 EMCCD ouputs Frame rate: 1300 frames/sec Noise ~ 0.5 e Peltier - 45 °C
21/05/2010Fast detectors - Opticon Board Malta4
21/05/2010Fast detectors - Opticon Board Malta5 JRA2 FP6
Multiplication gain and Dark 21/05/20106Fast detectors - Opticon Board Malta HV (Volt) Multiplication Gain Dark (e/pixel/frame) Noise (e-) Input referred noise (e-) Amp Amp Amp Amp Amp Amp Amp Amp Mean Standard silicon Temperature: -40°C Frame rate: 1360 fps Dark events Amp 5
Single dark + CIC events CCD temperature: -40°C Standard Si One of the 8 outputs Frame rate: 1360 fps Multiplication gain: x 1150 65 dark events / output (120 x 60 pixels) 21/05/2010Fast detectors - Opticon Board Malta7 Gain=1000 Gain= °C Minimum specification Temperature (°C) Dark Current (e/pixel/frame)
CCD220 results with Ocam, T=-40°C 21/05/2010Fast detectors - Opticon Board Malta8 TestResultSpec Read noise fps)0.26 – 0.9 e (0.5 e mean) < 1 e Read noise fps)0.38 – 0.97< 1 e Dark 1500 fps0.004 – 0.01 e/s/frame < 0.01 e/s/frame Dark 25 fps0.04 e/s/frame<0.04 e/s/frame Parallel CTE > Serial CTE > Image Full Well292000e> 5000 Traps, dark and bright defects00
CCD220 measured QE (standard Si) 21/05/20109Fast detectors - Opticon Board Malta
OCam technology in Europe 21/05/201010Fast detectors - Opticon Board Malta ESO WFS camera based on the Ocam technology. Ocam : WFS camera for Grantecan Delivery of 2 systems Sept 2010
Creation of a startup company 21/05/201011Fast detectors - Opticon Board Malta
21/05/2010Fast detectors - Opticon Board Malta12 OCam I Ocam II is the commercial version of Ocam I Improved reliability Improved performances Improved environmental conditions (can work with air and water temperature up to 40°C) Detector safety (over-illumination) More compact for integration on telescope
The beginning of FP7 21/05/2010Fast detectors - Opticon Board Malta13
LGSD specifications LGSD = Laser Guide Star Detector 24 µm100% 24 µm pixels, 100% fill-factor 84 x x 84 sub-apertures (goal 126 x 126) 20 x x1680 pixels 20 x 20 pixels per sub-aperture (to cover spot elongation) 1680x1680 pixels Hz Hz (for various AO modules) RON 85% centroiding quality Good image lag, charge diffusion, PRNU, cross-talk, non-linearity, cosmetics, RON and dark current variations, stability w.r.t. environment (for centroiding quality) Low latency, fully packaged re-use for NGSs WF Sensing Goal: Possible re-use for NGSs WF Sensing LLT Sodium layer Detector plane Pupil plane 21/05/201014Fast detectors - Opticon Board Malta
Previous ESO developments 2007: 4 Feasibility studies for EELT LGS WFS detector, 50 k€ each, 2 of them funded by FP6-ELT Design Study “Market survey” : 3 Technology Demonstrator contracts, 400 k€ each, 2 of them funded by FP6-ELT Design Study “Manufacture of a small array of pixels to prove noise performance” E2v (UK) Teledyne (USA) Sarnoff (USA) 21/05/201015Fast detectors - Opticon Board Malta
The current FP7 phase : NGSD Natural Guide Star Detector = Scaled Down Demonstrator for the LGSD. Its purpose is : 1) To develop a detector that can be used for first light NGS application for the EELT 2) To demonstrate the feasibility of the LGSD, without the high costs associated with more engineering tasks such as: Integral Peltier package, and/or Extension of the dimensions of the device such that stitching is required. Specifications are identical to the LGSD ones, except for: 672 x 672 pixels instead of 1680 x1680 4 e- RON instead of 3 e- Relaxed image lag (5 % instead of 2 %) Manufacturers standard package (simple packaging to keep costs down) No Peltier cooler 21/05/201016Fast detectors - Opticon Board Malta
NGSD Call for Tenders Following ESO procurement rules: December ‘09: CfT sent to 34 companies/institutes in Member states and USA February ‘10: 2 Tenders received 10 th March ’10: Technical, Managerial and Contractual evaluations provided to a Contract Awarding Committee May 5 th : recommendation from the Contract Awarding Committee to ESO Finance Committee to award one NGSD contract to e2v (UK). Approval by ESO FC. May XXth: contract signed with e2v 21/05/201017Fast detectors - Opticon Board Malta
Plans for the future 21/05/2010Fast detectors - Opticon Board Malta18
Firsts of this technology: - Visible CMOS detector for the first time in astronomy - Back-side illuminated CMOS -Build-in Digital Outputs But no real testing possibility of this detector outside e2v and production camera not planned, just prototypes. 21/05/201019Fast detectors - Opticon Board Malta
XAO detectors for 3rd generation of instruments and ELT À compléter…. 21/05/2010Fast detectors - Opticon Board Malta20
Opticon FP7 call 2 detector proposal : beyond what was already developped (à revoir…). Same philosophy as previous successful detector activities : few goals, few partners with world class know how … 1. WP1 Upgrade of OCam to operate the CCD220 at kHz frame rate for XAO instruments such as SPHERE and EPICS (following FP6 activities), improve noise (<< 1e), and characterize the system. Industrialize it. 2. WP2 Develop a production camera system for LGS CMOS detectors to test the detector in the labs and that will be used afterward on the VLT and E- ELT (following FP7 call 1 activities). Develop interface with Sparta RTC. Industrialize it. Actors (preliminary): - LAOG: management/system, camera head, detector/system characterization - LAM : camera controllers, interface with Sparta. - ESO (interface CMOS controller/Sparta, specifications, end user on telescope) - Industrial partners 21/05/201021Fast detectors - Opticon Board Malta
21/05/2010Fast detectors - Opticon Board Malta22
WP2 Organization 21/05/201023Fast detectors - Opticon Board Malta WP 2.1 Management CNRS/LAOG (P. Feautrier) WP2.2 CCD220/Ocam 2.5 kHz LAM (JL Gach) Front end OHP Digital electronics LAM Software LAM Camera head LAOG WP2.3 Full digital CMOS controller Controller prototype LAM FPGA controller Industrial partner
WP2.1 Management Scope : management of the WP Fast Detectors and Cameras. Lead : CNRS (LAOG – P. Feautrier) CNRS/LAOG will coordinate the WP2 activity, prepare the key specifications for the other WPs, monitor the WPs, organize study and design reviews, prepare the regular reports and detailed work plans for the OPTICON management. Funding: 50 K€. 21/05/2010Fast detectors - Opticon Board Malta24
WP2.2 CCD220/Ocam 2.5 kHz Scope: upgrade 3 rd gen VLT Instruments and prepare XAO for ELT (EPICS) Goal: decrease Ocam current noise down to e and increase speed to 2.5 kHz (goal 3 kHz) with redesign of the controller. Prepare industrialization. New generation of amplifiers and gained experience during FP6 allows to increase speed and noise performances of Ocam allowing to use the CCD220 for the third generation of XAO system and prepare XAO for ELT. This means a complete redesign of Ocam for this goal. Partners: LAM (lead), controller. LAOG : camera head, camera testing 21/05/2010Fast detectors - Opticon Board Malta25 TypeToFor ECMatch HWCNRS/LAMCCD220 detector (engineering, science grades) 100k -- HWCNRS/LAMController80k 160k80k FTECNRS/LAOGDesign/Testing80k 160k80k Total cost = 580 k - EC contribution : 420 k
WP2.3 All-Digital C-MOS Controller Scope: upgrade for 3 rd gen VLT Instruments. Goal of the WP: create a flexible architecture by combining the new technology CMOS controller with an FPGA and fast programmable I/O. - The new CMOS detector developed in the framework of the FP7 WP2 allows for an all- digital controller. A very high miniaturization can be achieved by companies operating in the high-end embedded computing that are able to pack the detector with a powerful FPGA in the same PCB and equipping it with programmable fast I/O. - The presence of the FPGA allows for intelligent fast on-the-fly processing as well as allowing for different protocols and interfaces to be used for different applications. - The primary goal of this WP is to integrate the CMOS detector and controller, an FPGA and several fast I/O ports industrializing the prototype under development at LAM. - Secondary goal: implement SPARTA+ interfaces and prototype advanced features like pixel multiplexing and switching, while allowing LAM interfaces to be implemented. Partners: ESO: partner, lead LAM: partner, owner of prototype implementation to be industrialized 21/05/201026Fast detectors - Opticon Board Malta
WP 2.3 All-Digital C-MOS Controller Partners: ESO: partner, lead LAM: partner, owner of prototype implementation to be industrialised Nallatech: partner, industrial partner Plan TypeToFor FTENallatechNRE0.5 FTELAMFollow-up/Testing FTEESOFollow-up /Testing0.1 TypeToFor ECMatch HWESOCMOS detector100k ? HWNallatechHW to be delivered to ESO40k30k10k FTENallatechNRE50k 75k25k FTELAMFollow-up/Testing FTEESOFollow-up /Testing10k 15k5k Total = xx k + detector