Sakai SEPP Report Charles Severance 5/21/2004
Observations Version 1.0 –Scope has expanded dramatically since January –There are a lot of “degrees of freedom” / “articulation points” to manage –We don’t want to (and cannot) slip deadlines –We will have to make some tough choices to make deadlines –Coordination with SEPP is primarily information flow outbound from the core team. Version 2.0 will be much different –The June meeting is both to talk about 1.0 and build up the 2.0 community. –Hopefully, by June all of the “degrees of freedom” will be nailed down and it will be about execution
Timeline Review Alpha - 5/15 Beta - 6/15 Production - 7/15
Alpha Release Much of the current focus is on the framework in the Alpha release –Support for Sakai UI components and Java Server Faces –OKI OSID Implementations –Hibernate Object Relational Mapping –uPortal Integration
Sakai Alpha JSF/UI Components sakai:group_box sakai:instruction_message sakai:panel_edit sakai:tool_bar sakai:tool_bar_item sakai:tool_bar_message sakai:tool_bar_spacer sakai:view_container sakai:view_content sakai:button_bar sakai:button_bar_item sakai:comment sakai:commentII sakai:doc_properties sakai:doc_section sakai:doc_section_title sakai:flat_list
OKI OSID Implementations Aligned with the upcoming OKI release Sakai APIs will be a superset of the OKI APIs Sakai OKI Implementations Pure OKI Tools OKI/Sakai Tools Sakai APIs
Sakai APIs.vs. OKI APIs Identical naming conventions (Agent, ID, Type, Group … ) Identical logical flow and semantic meaning of those objects Sakai APIs will be more “real JAVA” –Real JAVA iterators –Real JAVA exception model Sakai APIs will also extend where necessary –“logging in” a user will be standardized –Updating information will be standardized –Different APIs will be extended to different amounts Sakai APIs will use inversion of control rather than a loader (see Martin Fowler article)
Programming to OKI APIs in Sakai The OKI OSIDs present in Sakai will be “perfect” implementations They will perform exactly as specified in the OKI documentation –Loader convention –Exception handling –Return types –Semantic conventions A programmer will be able to read the OKI spec, and the Sakai out-of-band-agreement documentation (Types, Property naming, etc), write code and drop it into Sakai and it will work without a single line of code changed.
Hibernate Evaluated by team led by Lance Speelmon of IU - excellent talk at recent Sakai architect meeting Team is now at training in NYC with the inventor of Hibernate Excellent performance (5% slower than raw JDBC) Clustering and caching solution Little secret: EJB 3.0 is looking like Spring inversion of control and Hibernate Query Language We are go for Hibernate - Should have the jars in Alpha - maybe even one tiny implementation By Beta will have several OSID implementations IU/Stanford have converted their OKI 1.0RC OSID impls to Hibernate and are going into production - Yikes - trial by fire :)
uPortal Integration Three versions –Embedded - all of Sakai in a single JSR-168 portlet (Version 1.0) - Could be integrated into a uPortal 2.3 without modifications –Injected - uPortal 2.3 navigation is altered to support hierarchical navigation needed by Sakai. This is a modified version of uPortal 2.3 where Sakai has “taken over” much like CHEF and Jetspeed (Version 1.0) –Integrated - uPortal will look like injected but will work in unmodified uPortal 3.0 and use uPortal administration for layout rather than Sakai administration.
Embedded HomeAthleticsSakai CS101EE499EE499-Sec01ChessMotor Fred: He will move P-K4 Joe: Nah - he did that last time Mary: It does not matter what he does - I will beat him again Watch me now mary! Send Play Help FAQ Meeting Admin EE499EE499-s01HomeCS101Chess Fred: He will move P-K4 Joe: Nah - he did that last time Mary: It does not matter what he does - I will beat him again Watch me now mary! Send Play Help FAQ Meeting Admin + BookMarks + Athletics + Events - Courses + CS101 + EE499 + Main - Sec01 Help Chat FAQ Meeting + Sec02 + Chess + Motor Fred: He will move P-K4 Joe: Nah - he did that last time Mary: It does not matter what he does - I will beat him again Joe: What if he pulls his goalie? MySchool Portal Search Something witty this way comes Send Embedded Injected Integrated
Upcoming Issues Beta Efforts –Tools and Gaps –Accessibility –Modifications to improve performance Areas of concern –Production deployment in JBoss environment - we need to ramp up an effort on this –How much work the performance testing and improvement will actually (taking resources away from tool building)