Chapter 1: Intro to Social Psychology Part 1: Wed. Aug 24, 2011 (Basic Outline only)
What is Social Psychology? The scientific study of how individuals think, feel, and behave in a social context. –4 emphases this semester: what are they? Relatively young field. Took hold in the 30’s Today, emphasis in social psy is on what?
Importance of Context Influence of context on behavior –Example? 1984 Presidential Debate results: –How did perceptions differ?
Careers in Social Psych Majority of social psychologists hold PhDs but some masters programs. –Work settings? Academic: Most in psych dept but other options… Applied settings:
Social Psych and Other Fields Little overlap with clinical psych –Differences? Personality Psych – a good amount of overlap with social psy –How do they differ?
Cognitive psych – good amount of overlap –Subfield of social cognition Sociology - different level of analysis and research methods –How do they differ?
Is this different from common sense? Common sense relied on explanations after the fact –hindsight Some social psych findings appear counterintuitive –Examples? Social psych uses theories to make predictions (hypotheses) –What are theories?