Oracle Work In Process 講師 : 林侯成
Outline Work In Process Concept Oracle ERP Overview Oracle WIP Flow Discrete Jobs Supply Types and Material Flow Moving Assemblies Completing Assemblies
Outline Work In Process Concept Oracle ERP Overview Oracle WIP Flow Discrete Jobs Supply Types and Material Flow Moving Assemblies Completing Assemblies
Work In Process Concept What is WIP WIP 圖解 WIP 的功能及目的 WIP 的生產型態 何謂工單 WIP Supply Types
Work In Process Concept 在製品管理 生產管理 指規劃、排程、執行, 並控制將投入材料轉變為成 品或半成品的過程
WIP 圖解 產出 (成品或半成品) 投入 (原物料) (資金、人力、 機器 設備…) WIP處理 Input Process Output
WIP 的功能及目的 功能 目的 Manufacturing Support 製造支援 Production Scheduling 生產排程 Material Control 物料控制 Shop Floor Control 現場控制 Resource Tracking 資源追蹤 Costing 計算成本 目的 適時、適量供應物料給生產現場 提高生產力(率) 降低成本
WIP 的生產型態 計劃性生產(Make To Stock,MTS) 訂單式生產(Make To Order,MTO) 專案式 Project 間歇式 Intermittent / Discrete Job 連續式/反覆式 Continuous / Repetitive
WIP 的生產型態 計劃性生產(Make To Stock,MTS) 訂單式生產(Make To Order,MTO) 訂單組裝(Assemble to Order,ATO) 訂單設計(Engineer to Order,ETO) 個別訂購生產(Build-to-Order,BTO) 專案式 Project 間歇式 Intermittent / Discrete Job 連續式/反覆式 Continuous / Repetitive
計劃性生產(Make To Stock,MTS) 是一個在接到顧客訂單前,就已經完成產品生產的生產環境接到顧客訂單就直接從成品倉出貨 產品的生產依據需求預測而非顧客訂單生產的目的是為了補充存貨 優點:適用於顧客訂單前置時間短 缺點:供應商需承受存貨成本的壓力與預測不準的風險 適於大量生產,產品種類大多屬於低成本,例如:日常民生用品
訂單式生產(Make To Order,MTO) 接到顧客訂單後,才進行產品的生產需對組成產品的原物料及零組件規劃其生產排程 最終產品通常包含標準項目和針對顧客需求特別設計的項目 優點:可滿足客戶特殊需求(規格) 將存貨減至最少 缺點:前置時間較長 此類產品大多有標準規格,例如:電子產品
訂單組裝(Assemble To Order,ATO) 接到顧客訂單後,才領出關鍵零組件組裝為成品關鍵零組件可能是自製件、採購件、包裝件等 優點:可快速回應顧客的需求,及供應商的存貨成本較低 缺點:零組件的預測、分類、模組設計須視需求更新,否則將發生零組件存貨不適用生產之情況
訂單設計(Engineer To Order,ETO) 接到顧客訂單後,才開始設計的工作,再進行生產,依顧客指示的規格而生產的產品,通常是獨一無二的設計或需要相當程度的客製化 每張顧客訂單都會產生一套新的料號(件號) 、BOM(Bill of Material)和製程 優點:量身定做,較能滿足顧客需求 適於產品種類繁多,但各類產品需求量不大,例如:半導體代工
個別訂購生產(Build-to-Order,BTO) BTO 策略為近年來才被提出且較新穎。BTO為因應現今客戶個別需求導向的趨勢,同時透過網際網路技術,將客戶個別需求經跨廠、跨地區的供應鍊(supply-chain) 體系規劃,以達成即時接單、下單、生產至交貨的流程。 BTO策略強調就近生產、供銷及銷售實施後,各地經銷商的專業服務人員可專心從事「一切按照客戶個人需求來服務」,然後將所訂各項配件在終端機前組合、下單,接著這些資料會立即透過網路送至總公司,通常在48小時後,顧客就可以到經銷商把訂購的電腦搬回家。
專案式(Project) 專案式生產(project): 專案生產通常針對一次一樣,規格特殊,缺乏重複性的產品。 例如: 一艘軍艦 一棟體育館的建立
間歇式(Intermittent / Discrete Job) 間歇式生產是指每一個生產作業一次只生產一個單一、間斷的產品,機械加工和裝配是屬於典型的間歇式生產。 例如: 電腦組裝(Computer Assembly) 家具製造商(Furniture Manufacturer)
連續式vs.反覆式(Continuous / Repetitive) 所謂連續式是指生產設備依產品的生產步驟而組織及排列順序在生產過程中材料流是連續的,工單的製程是固定的,而且準備作業非常的少 連續式 vs. 反覆式的差異 連續式:鋼鐵廠、紙廠、化學廠、煉油廠、核能發電廠 反覆式(又稱為半連續式):裝配線、電路板組裝廠、汽車製造商、玩具
何謂工單 工單(工令) 工單上應計載的基本資料 是製造工作命令的簡稱,是對展開的一個活動(例如維修)或產品生產工作的授權。 是生管部門發出,而由製造單位執行的。 工單上應計載的基本資料 工單上通常會記載的資訊有需求量、開始時間、交貨時間、料號等….。
Oracle 工單
WIP Supply Types Name Description Assembly pull Oracle Work in Process issues assembly pull components to a job when you complete assemblies into inventory. Bulk Oracle Work in Process does not automatically transact bulk components to the job. Operation pull Oracle Work in Process issues operation pull components to a job when you complete the operation where the components are consumed. Push You issue push components to a job using the WIP Material Transaction window in advance of consumption. Vendor A vendor supplies components directly to Work in Process.
Issuing Components in Work in Process Floor stock account Supplier (outside processing) Bulk Supplier warehouse Miscellaneous issue Work in Process Complete Raw material subinventory Push issue Finished goods subinventory Jobs and schedules Operation pull Backflush Assembly pull Backflush Floor stock inventory Replenish
Outline Work In Process Concept Oracle ERP Overview Oracle WIP Flow Discrete Jobs Supply Types and Material Flow Moving Assemblies Completing Assemblies
Oracle ERP Overview 總帳系統 GL 客戶訂單 SO 主生產排程 MPS 粗略產能 規劃 RCCP 物料需求 計劃 MRP 請購作業 PR 採購作業 PO 收料作業 Receiving 生產指示 Discrete Repetitive Flow Project Process 生產發料 Issue 生產控制 製程移轉 SFC 生產入庫 Transfer 出貨作業 Picking Shipping 細部產能 CRP 應付帳款 立帳 Invoice 付款作業 Payment 票據管理 成本管理 Costing 主需求排程 MDS 固定資產管理 Assets 供應鍊管理 最佳化排程 APS 銷售預測 FCST 統一發 票管理 收款作業 Receipts 應收帳款
WIP In ERP 工程管理 (BOM) 訂單管理 (OM) CRM APS 生產管理 (WIP) 物料/產能 需求計劃 (MRP) i supplier 庫存管理 (INV) 成本管理 (COST) 採購管理 (PUR) 財 務 管 理
Outline Work In Process Concept Oracle ERP Overview Oracle WIP Flow Discrete Jobs Supply Types and Material Flow Moving Assemblies Completing Assemblies
WIP Flow Define/Update Jobs Build Jobs Close/Stop Jobs Transactions MPS MRP OM Consumed the Material Manual Backflush Outside Processing Create Job Job Release Issue Assembly (option) Outside Completing Assemblies Job Complete Finished Goods ENG Charging Resources Outside Processing Define Routing BOM Explosion Inventory Shipping Assemblies Receiving Assemblies
Outline Work In Process Concept Oracle ERP Overview Oracle WIP Flow Discrete Jobs Supply Types and Material Flow Moving Assemblies Completing Assemblies
Define/Update Jobs Build Jobs Close/Stop Jobs Transactions MPS MRP OM Consumed the Material Manual Backflush Outside Processing Create Job Job Release Issue Assembly (option) Outside Completing Assemblies Job Complete Finished Goods ENG Charging Resources Outside Processing Define Routing BOM Explosion Inventory Shipping Assemblies Receiving Assemblies
Planner plans production Discrete Jobs(間歇式生產) Planner plans production Create discrete jobs Shop floor Planner Plan Move assemblies and charge resources Begin production Complete finished assemblies Issue material Raw material Components Subassemblies Finished goods subinventory Ship finished goods Stockroom Ship goods Customer
Discrete Jobs - Oracle Path Manufacturing Vision Operations (USA) → WIP → Discrete → Discrete Jobs
輸入工單名稱 選擇物料編號 施工方式 施工時間 施工數量
所需物料數量 可用量 庫存量
Outline Work In Process Concept Oracle ERP Overview Oracle WIP Flow Discrete Jobs Supply Types and Material Flow Moving Assemblies Completing Assemblies
Define/Update Jobs Build Jobs Close/Stop Jobs Transactions MPS MRP OM Consumed the Material Manual Backflush Outside Processing Create Job Job Release Issue Assembly (option) Outside Completing Assemblies Job Complete Finished Goods ENG Charging Resources Outside Processing Define Routing BOM Explosion Inventory Shipping Assemblies Receiving Assemblies
Pick List Report Oracle Path → WIP → Report → Single Report → Discrete Jobs Pick List Report → 輸入工單號碼 → OK → Submit → 取得 Request ID Toolbar → View → Requests → 輸入 Request ID → View Output
Practice View Discrete Jobs Create Discrete Jobs View Pick List Report
Issuing Components in Work in Process Floor stock account Supplier (outside processing) Bulk Supplier warehouse Miscellaneous issue Work in Process Complete Raw material subinventory Push issue Finished goods subinventory Jobs and schedules Operation pull backflush Assembly pull backflush Floor stock inventory Replenish
Material Transactions - Oracle Path Manufacturing Vision Operations (USA) → WIP → Material Transactions → WIP Material Transactions → 輸入工單號碼 → 輸入倉庫別 → 輸入數量
Outline Work In Process Concept Oracle ERP Overview Oracle WIP Flow Discrete Jobs Supply Types and Material Flow Moving Assemblies Completing Assemblies
Define/Update Jobs Build Jobs Close/Stop Jobs Transactions MPS MRP OM Consumed the Material Manual Backflush Outside Processing Create Job Job Release Issue Assembly (option) Outside Completing Assemblies Job Complete Finished Goods ENG Charging Resources Outside Processing Define Routing BOM Explosion Inventory Shipping Assemblies Receiving Assemblies
Moving Assemblies Op Seq 10 Op Seq 20 Queue Run To Move Scrap Reject
Intraoperation Moves Op Seq 10 Op Seq 20 Op Seq 30 Queue Run To Move Scrap Reject Op Seq 20 Queue Run To Move Scrap Reject Op Seq 30 Queue Run To Move Scrap Reject
Move Transactions - Oracle Path Manufacturing Vision Operations (USA) → WIP → Move Transactions → 輸入工單號碼
Outline Work In Process Concept Oracle ERP Overview Oracle WIP Flow Discrete Jobs Supply Types and Material Flow Moving Assembiles Completing Assemblies
Define/Update Jobs Build Jobs Close/Stop Jobs Transactions MPS MRP OM Consumed the Material Manual Backflush Outside Processing Create Job Job Release Issue Assembly (option) Outside Completing Assemblies Job Complete Finished Goods ENG Charging Resources Outside Processing Define Routing BOM Explosion Inventory Shipping Assemblies Receiving Assemblies
Completing Assemblies Inventory Work in Process Issue material Jobs and schedules Raw material inventory Complete finished assemblies Move assemblies on the shop floor and charge resources Finished goods subinventory Scrap rejected assemblies
Move Transactions - Oracle Path Manufacturing Vision Operations (USA) → WIP → Material Transactions → Completion Transactions → 輸入工單號碼 → 輸入儲存倉位 → 輸入數量
Practice Issuing components Moving Assemblies Completing Assemblies
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