Environmental Management Chapter 12
Environmental Management How are foodservice operations doing?
Energy Conservation Turn off lights/use daylight Shut off equipment Use equipment at full capacity Routine maintenance and cleaning Broken, improper fitting doors may reduce efficiency by 35% Carbonized grease can reduce cooking efficiency by 40%
Energy Conservation Equipment Selection -Energy Star symbol Example: Open Burner vs Hot Tops HVAC=1/2 of operation’s energy use Water Heating Dishwashing
Energy Management Program Assign a committee Conduct an energy audit Develop an energy conservation plan Measure results Maintain and modify plan as needed
Energy Management An energy management program requires the constant participation of every employee in the operation. In-service, training, and incentive programs should be set up to ensure the cooperation of all involved.
Water Conservation Turning off faucets Full capacity dishwashers Low-flow toilets Recycling gray water
Solid Waste Management Municipal Solid Waste Durable goods and non-durable goods, containers, packages, food scraps, yard trimmings Example: LA school district generates 60,000 tons trash/year 70% from meal program 6 million per year
Solid Waste Management Integrated solid waste management system Accomplished through Source reduction including reuse Recycling of materials Waste combustion Use of landfills
Source Reduction Elimination of single-use containers No more double-packaging Phasing out of metal containers Banning of packaging that is not recyclable Sanitizing glass and plastic containers Donating leftover food
Source Reduction Waste management equipment Most pay for themselves within a year Cardboard crushers Garbage disposals in all sinks Pulper extractor system Trash crushers, can compactors Polystyrene melters
Recycling Conserves scarce natural resources Reduces the quantities of waste materials sent to landfills Reduces energy costs Reduces waste dumped in oceans, streams, forests, deserts Prevents contamination of groundwater
Environmental Management Foodservices may recycle virtually all of the waste products that they generate including paper, plastic, aluminum, steel, polystyrene, and food. United Airlines – Reusable, recyclable entrée dish made of resin
Recycling Steel cans Rinse can Remove lid and bottom and flatten can. Store lids/bottoms in uncrushed can until full Recycle through local services Animal Feed Fat to Fuel
Composting Why compost? Conserve resources Reduce pollution Reduce landfill costs Produce healthy soil Hilton Hotels New York Hospital
Environmental Management Incineration Reduces waste and can produce energy Landfilling Least desirable
Facility Waste Assessment Establishes a better understanding of current purchasing, waste generation and waste disposal practices Identifies potential waste reduction options for evaluation Establishes a baseline from which to measure the success of waste reduction
Waste Assessments Waste Stream Analysis Collect all waste Sort by type Weigh each category Waste Audit Random samples are obtained At least a one-week time span
Environmental Management Provide employees with reusable coffee mugs Other suggestions?
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” -Margaret Mead