A Brief History of Welfare State From Welfare State to Welfare Society
Outline: early 17th century early 17th century 1834 Poor Law Poor Law
early 17th century Collective responsibility: local parishes given responsibility to look after the poor, sick and orphaned Criticisms of system: c Criticisms of system: cost to those paying for ‘poor relief’ considered too burdensome. It was also felt that the poor might do more to help themselves if left to their own devices — that to some extent, it was ‘their fault’ that they were unemployed.
1834 Poor Law - Individual responsibility: stricter regime introduced-healthy unemployed forced to go into workhouses Individual responsibility: stricter regime introduced-healthy unemployed forced to go into workhousesworkhouses Criticisms of system: w Criticisms of system: workhouses came to be seen as too harsh and unacceptable. Unemployment came to be seen as an inherent problem of the economic system.
Individual responsibility: contributory insurance schemes introduced — covering medical and retirement costs of those employees who paid insurance Individual responsibility: contributory insurance schemes introduced — covering medical and retirement costs of those employees who paid insurance Criticisms of system: not comprehensive enough — too many people still not covered. Criticisms of system: not comprehensive enough — too many people still not covered.
Individual responsibility: comprehensive national welfare system established (unemployment benefit, sickness benefit, retirement pensions for all), as well as National Health Service — NHS — in 1947 Individual responsibility: comprehensive national welfare system established (unemployment benefit, sickness benefit, retirement pensions for all), as well as National Health Service — NHS — in 1947 Criticism of system: not selective enough. Burden of costs demands review. Also, system breeds ‘welfare dependency’, suppressing individual initiative. Therefore need to ‘target’ benefits at those most in need. Criticism of system: not selective enough. Burden of costs demands review. Also, system breeds ‘welfare dependency’, suppressing individual initiative. Therefore need to ‘target’ benefits at those most in need.
Individual responsibility: private provision of pension and medical costs encouraged. Collective responsibility: benefit system tightened up. Reorganization of NHS.
Positive welfare society What would a radically reformed welfare state – the social investment state in the positive welfare society – look like? 1. Government working together with other agencies 2 2. No rights without responsibilities 3. Positive welfare
‘Third Way’ programme A 'Third Way' programme 'Our task today is not to fight old battles but to show that there is a third way, a way of marrying together an open, competitive and successful economy with a just, decent and humane society' (cited in Driver and Martell 1998, p. 7).
Social inclusion Social inclusion Redistribution of opportunities Social exclusion → inequalities
Proposals Proposals ‘Active' employment strategies Lifelong learning to prepare people for the 'fourth sector' informational economy Recognition of the barriers posed by discrimination in the labour market.
Social integration and cohesion Social integration and cohesion Exclusion and polarization →unacceptable levels of social and political conflict Retaining the social model → social integration and cohesion.
Potential or possible advantages of the Welfare State 1. free medical attention 2. free medical care 3. free dental treatment 4. increased family and child allowance 5. pensions for everyone 6. houses provided at low rents 7. everyone could benefit, regardless of social status
Potential or possible disadvantages of the Welfare State 1. It costs the state too much. 2. It breeds ‘ welfare dependency’. 3. Everyone has to pay for it through taxes, regardless of their needs. 4. Fewer benefits for the more prosperous classes (for example the middle class)
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