CONTENT What is the Northwest Operational Programme? Objectives and Investment Marketing Management Opportunity
NWOP FIVE PRIORITIES 1.Stimulating Enterprise and supporting growth in target sectors and markets 2.Exploiting Innovation and Knowledge 3.Creating conditions for sustainable growth 4.Growing and accessing employment 5.Technical Assistance Achieved ensuring environmental sustainability and equality and diversity
ACTION AREAS- PRIORITIES 1&2 ENTERPRISE & SECTOR GROWTH INNOVATION AND KNOWLEDGE AA1-1 Developing high value new enterprise AA2-1 Exploiting the science and R&D base of the region AA1-2 Developing higher value added activity in target regional sectors AA2-2 Encouraging innovation to improve productivity in all companies AA1-3 Increasing sustainable consumption and production
VENTURE CAPITAL LOAN FUND Seed Capital Loan and Venture Capital Fund Access to Finance service Small Loan fund
ACTION AREAS – PRIORITIES 3&4 CONDITIONS FOR SUSTAINABLE GROWTH GROWING AND ACCESSING EMPLOYMENT AA3-1 Exploiting the economic potential of major gateways in Merseyside AA4-1 Enterprise in disadvantaged /under represented groups AA3-2 Developing high quality sites AA4-2 Supporting linkages to key employment areas AA3-3 Improvement of the region’s visitor offer and image AA4-3 Employment creation for areas of regeneration need
MERSEYSIDE PHASING IN AREA Merseyside ring fenced phasing funding £212m 85% of this is in the first 4 years! Supports additional sectors (re Maritime, Tourism) Specific support for gateways on Merseyside Additional funds for tourism facilities and environmental improvement
CROSS CUTTING THEMES Global Target: 25% net carbon dioxide reduction –Developing a carbon accounting tool for NWOP projects –Each Action Area to have an associated carbon `Cap’ Environmental Management System for CCT –Addresses wider environmental impact/appraisal issues –Includes a communications programme to support applicants
CROSS CUTTING THEMES Equality and Diversity –Aim to generate opportunity under E&D principles –Monitoring of projects to achieve this CCT Managers in Programme Executive to manage this
INVESTMENT Funding and Intervention Rate Outputs, Results, and Impacts
MATCH FUNDING AND INTERVENTION RATE Match funding – public, some private but no in kind Sources (i.e. LEGI, HEFC, NWDA etc) Intervention (grant) rate – 50% (or better)
OUTPUTS, RESULTS, AND IMPACT Total NWOP targets: Overall Programme Target to 2015 OutputBusinesses assisted to improve their performance OutputBusinesses improving UK knowledge base (Nos.) 1000 OutputBrownfield land reclaimed and redeveloped (Ha) 500 OutputPrivate sector investment levered (£m) £370m OutputNumber of people assisted in their skills development 5,600 OutputNumber of social enterprises assisted 210
OUTPUTS, RESULTS, AND IMPACT cont. Total NWOP targets: Overall Programme Target to 2015 Results New or upgraded floorspace built/upgraded to BREEAM standards 419,200 ImpactNet additional GVA (annual) (£m) £1,170m ImpactNet additional employment (Nos.) ImpactNet Reduction as result of interventions CO 2 emissions (%) 25%
MARKETING Marketing Officer Website - Branding
MANAGING THE PROGRAMME ACTION Planning NWOP for 18 Months – consulted widely Joint working with CLG and RDAs at National level Cross Agency Transition Team including Government Office Enhanced Agency systems and processes to manage ERDF Established dedicated cross Agency ERDF Team
OPENNESS AND EFFICIENCY APPLICATION One application process ERDF and NWDA funding CONSULTATION AND APPRAISAL Consultation with partners and PMC at key stages Appraisal- alignment to NWOP(IFs), RES, Sub Regional Action Plans & meets regulations APPROVAL Endorsements from PMC/Sub Committees NWDA Board – including approval process ERDF and NWDA funding
ESTABLISHING THE PROGRAMME TO BE SUCCESSFUL WE NEED: Good project ideas and applications from you that meet NWOP finance and output/outcome targets Projects with strong committed leadership and sound delivery partners that achieve promised results Effective project management and compliance to regulations Sound Governance and Leadership from the PMC
OPPORTUNITY DEVELOPING YOUR PROJECT Designated Project Development Manager for support on: –Applications process –Understanding regulations –Fit to the Strategy (NWOP, Sub Regional Action Plans, RES)
OPPORTUNITY WHERE TO START Open for applications from 3 rd March Contact Us - Website -Tel Via Sub Regional Partnerships
Cumbria Vision Lancashire Economic Partnership Cheshire & Warrington Economic Alliance The Mersey Partnership Greater Manchester Forum Sub Regional Partnerships