First Proton Irradiation of CMS Sensors W. de Boer, A. Dierlamm, A. Furgeri, E. Grigoriev, F. Hartmann, F. Hauler, L. Jungermann, Ch. Piasecki
Some facts to remember for the next slides Data is preliminary Measurements and evaluation was done in 4 days only including the weekend some plots can be arranged in a better way and the data is incomplete! (sorry!!!) The biasing was done with conductive rubber residuals on AC pads sometimes gives contact problems We used the testing of the teststructures to train personal After irrad.: Strip scan for ST at Vbias=900V (it was stable) The evaluation is not complete!
Materials Hamamatsu Full Sensor (W6b ) Thickness: 500 m Resistivity: 4.6 k cm Hamamatsu teststructures (same batch no ) –Have to look up all other parameters according to the HPK tables ST Full Sensor ( ) Thickness: 500 m Resistivity: 5.1 k cm
Simulated LHC conditions with respect to surface damage! Vbias
Irrad. Assembly
IV and CV on both Sensors
Strip Parameters on Ham. Sensor
Interstrip capacitance of HPK sensor (1 neighbour) 100 fF
Strip Parameters on ST Sensor
IV and CV on Ham. TS
Strip Parameters on Ham. TS
Comparison: Diode vs. Minisensor
High fluence ( 2.5x10^14 n eq /cm 2 ) FS 1V (AC & bias) TS 1V TS 12V TS 100V TS H35 & 0V TS 100V (only bias) 33MeV
Low fluence ( 1,5x10^14 n eq /cm 2 ) FS 1V TS 1V TS 0V
Fluence estimate (preliminary) Leakage current on TS H39 diode at -8±1°C: I(-8°C) = 5 A Leakage current at 20°C (I(T)=I 0 *T 1.5 *e -1.2eV/kT ): I(20°C)= (860 ± 190) A Volume of diode is 72 mm 3 => I(20°C)/V = (11.9 ± 2.6)mA/cm 3 => Fluence is about (3.0±0.6)e14 n eq /cm 2 ( =4e-17A/cm) Leakage current on TS H41 I(-9°C) = 1.5 A Fluence is about (1.1±0.3)e14 n eq /cm 2 Hamamatsu: ST:
Leakage Current on Ham. Diode after Irrad. with high Fluence
Leakage Current on Ham. Diode after Irradiation with low Fluence
CV on Ham. Diode after Irradiation
CV on Sensors after Irradiation
IV for Sensors after Irradiation
Coupling Capacitance on ST Sensor after Irradiation
Poly Resistance on ST Sensor after Irradiation
Leakage Current ST FS after irrad. 1-4nA before irrad.
Other Paramters on ST Sensor Interstrip Capacitance (one neighbour): Before Irradiation3.5 pF After Irradiation3.6 pF Interstrip Resistance: Before Irradiation > 10G –No definite numbers after irrad
Strip Leakage Current on Ham. Sensor after Irradiation
Poly Resistance on Ham. Sensor after Irradiation 300V, -13°C 160V
Interstrip Capacitance (one neighbour) vs. Bias Voltage after Irradiation
Strip Leakage Current on TS after Irradiation
Coupling Capacitance on TS after Irradiation
Poly Resistance on TS after Irradiation
Interstrip Capacitance on TS after Irradiation (2 neighbours) Some bad contacts due to residuals of conductive rubber!?!?!
Interstrip Resistance on TS after Irradiation (very preliminary)
Depletion Voltage and Fluence
Conclusion: Procedure for the production Evaluation on minisensor and FS only Irradiation with protons is feasible with small bias voltage near to final LHC condition We have to evaluate the irrad. sensor with higher Vbias The IQC in Karlsuhe is ready with some possible improvements, learned at this system test level Some additonal measurments and x-ray studies are ongoing and helpfull for the surface damage understanding but are not essential for the approval of an ingot!
End of irradiation
Backside of HPK sensor
First GCD measurements
CMS-GCD-Structures Diode Gate Diode Gate Diode
Measurement of the CMS square GCD structure and Rose structure in literature Some non-understood points. KA Rose
GCD after proton irradiation
GCD Summary Proton irradiation has shown that bulk leakage current is much higher than interface currents at least at full dose and is therefore negligible. (see also NIM A444 (2000) ) What about effects of type inversion? However further studies at Karlsruhe are possible by using the KA X-Ray source.
Bias contacts