Session - 20 INTEGRATY AND SECURITY SECURITY Matakuliah: M0184 / Pengolahan Data Distribusi Tahun: 2005 Versi:
Database Security issue There are four main types of security policies for control of access: Need to know Maximized sharing Open systems Closed systems
Types of Access Control Content independent user is allowed/not allowed to access a particular data object Content dependent access to a data object depend on the content of the DB Statistical control user is permitted to perform statistical operations Context dependent user’s access privileges depend on the context
Multilevel Security Its assume that the OS has a multilevel security to develop multilevel security policy. With characteristic: it is called every time a user request access to an object it support multilevel security policy It is tamper-proof It is sufficiently small that it can be thoroughly tested and the code formally verified as correct
Security facilities in SQL View mechanism Authorization Rules
Security issues in distributed database Identification and authentication Distribution and authorization rules Encryption Global view mechanism