G Love Kristin Brodie Jeff Colton Colin Galbraith Bushra Makiya Tiffany Santos
Objective Create a glove that will keep your hand warm in a cold environment Source of heat generation Lightweight Re-usable Smart
Materials Fabric Wire Batteries Temperature Sensor/Switch PCM PCM Encapsulators Wire Insulators
PCM and Encapsulators PCM Paraffin Wax Octadecane PEG Encapsulators PDMS PP, PE
Fabric Polyester/Cotton Field Testing
Wires and Insulators Wires NiCr alloys, Stainless Steel Mechanical Testing Resistivity Testing Insulators Nextel Braids, Teflon Tubing Operating Temperature (surface temp)
Batteries Size Amp hr Durability Recharge ability
Temperature Sensor/Switch Bimetallic, Polymer Resistance/Current Testing Operational Testing
Power Generated Wire P = V 2 /R ~ 1.7 W V = 3.74V, R = 8.3 PCM 5 g of octadecane 8 g of PEG 1.7 W for 12.5 min
Heat Loss Model Assumptions made Power Lost 2 rLq=2 L(T 1 -T 3 )/R=2.5W R = Fabric + BL
Assembly Connect wires to temp switch Connecting wires to battery Discharging battery Encapsulation of PCM Fabrication of Gloves
Future Work Improvements Encapsulation process Incorporation of wire into glove Ease of access to recharge battery On/Off switch Insulation of Wire