Oregon’s Family Partnership for Reading Comprehensive Plan for Inclusive Reading Achievement (K-12) Comprehensive Plan for Inclusive Reading Achievement.


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Presentation transcript:

Oregon’s Family Partnership for Reading Comprehensive Plan for Inclusive Reading Achievement (K-12) Comprehensive Plan for Inclusive Reading Achievement (K-12)

Oregon’s Reading First Plan An evidenced based reading initiative aimed at providing quality literacy instruction to all primary students in the state of Oregon. Foundations: The National Reading Panel Report, 2000 (NICHD, 2000a); National Academy of Sciences (Snow, Burns and Griffin,1998)

Research Based Curriculum, Assessment and Instruction Scientifically Based Reading Instruction (SBRR) Statewide assessments that involve all students including those with disabilities and English Language Learners Reduction in the numbers of students needing special education later because of reading failures All children reading by the end of third grade Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills

Oregon’s State Improvement Grant for Special Education: Ready, Set, Reading Go! Promoting Family Involvement: The OrPTI partnership  The Ten Keys of Reading Achievement; Family Trainings for Reading (2003, 2004)  OrPTI Annual and State Administrators Conferences 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005  Technical Assistance Project PURSUIT “ Students with disabilities will improve significantly in reading achievement.” “ Students with disabilities will improve significantly in reading achievement.”

State Improvement Grant for Special Education: Ready, Set, Reading Go! Professional Development In service and pre service trainings Integrating research based strategies into instruction Three special education reading instruction modules “ Students with disabilities will improve significantly in reading achievement.” Project PURSUIT

Oregon Parent Training and Information Center Providing education, support and resources for families of children with disabilities ages 0-26; specialized trainings include EI/ECSE Understanding the IEP Process Transitions to Kindergarten; Life after High School Statewide Assessment and Students with disabilities Positive Behavioral Intervention Planning

Combining our assets in “PURSUIT” of Sustainable quality research- based, reading assessment, instruction, achievement and success for all. Family Involvement Professional Development Professional Development DIBELS