Page 0 Optimization Uncertainty Decision Analysis Systems Economics Masters of Engineering With Concentration in Systems Engineering A 30 hour graduate program that provides tools and concepts that Texas A&M engineering graduates need to fill both leadership and entrepreneurial roles in the 21 st century. The Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering Announces a New Graduate Masters Program
Page 1 Program Overview Systems Engineering is an interdisciplinary approach and means to enable the realization of successful systems. Systems engineering considers both the business and the technical needs of all customers with the goal of providing a quality product or service that meets the user needs. Systems engineers play a vital role in solving some of the most pressing problems facing industry and government: Complex decisions with difficult tradeoffs Mega-projects with significant risk Critical infrastructure systems Environmental impacts Complex and interconnected business environments Large-scale product and process design Success in these environments transcends traditional engineering and requires expertise in engineering, business, economics, finance, and policy. Systems engineers are needed in a range of application domains and industries including: Transportation and logistics Supply chain systems Electro-mechanical product design Decision analysis Business strategy Large-scale system integration Project management Public policy Masters of Engineering Concentration in Systems Engineering A professional degree program that prepares graduates to solve difficult problems inside and outside traditional engineering.
Page 2 The Systems Engineering program is a problem- solving discipline that applies engineering principles to both traditional and non-traditional engineering problems. The goal is to impart a set of portable tools, concepts, and applications that enable graduates to model, design, and control natural and engineered systems for the benefit of society. The core coursework is a set of integrated decision making methodologies drawn from economics, optimization, probability, systems thinking and analysis, and decision analysis. Students round out their education by selecting electives in business, economics, finance, management, mathematics, public policy and traditional engineering disciplines. Systems Engineering Program Philosophy
Page 3 1.Give students a competitive edge in today’s interdisciplinary job environment and increasingly interconnected economy 2.Educate students in holistic approaches to complex problems 3.Create strong ability to solve business issues in an integrative manner, using a strong foundation of analytical tools 4.Instill high proficiency in understanding and tackling interdisciplinary issues at the interface of management, engineering, and public policy Systems Engineering Program Value to Students
Page 4 Economics Systems Optimization Uncertainty Decision Analysis Public Policy Supply Chain Systems Project Management Financial Engineering Reliability/Risk Based Design Corporate Strategy Foundations Applications Lean Manufacturing Systems Transportation and Logistics Information Systems The core or portable concepts apply to a wide range of systems engineering problems.
Page 5 Master of Engineering (ME) Degree Requirements 1. At least 18 hours must be from Industrial Engineering and Systems Engineering 2. At least 9 hours must be from departments other than Industrial Engineering and Systems Engineering. 3. The total number of hours on the degree plan must be at least One or two written reports from either an internship, project course, or a special assignment within an area of Industrial or Systems Engineering. The chair of the advisory committee must be a member of the ISEN graduate faculty. A co-chair, if desired, may be from another department. The Master's committee must have a minimum of three graduate faculty members. At least one graduate faculty member of the committee must be from outside the ISEN Department. In addition to the above requirements, individual faculty may require additional courses as they deem appropriate. Detailed requirements and admission instructions can be viewed at:
Page 6 ME in Systems Engineering Core Courses ISEN 627: Engineering Analysis for Decision Making (“Decision Analysis I”) Description: The principles and fundamental concepts for the normative theory of decision making under uncertainty. Utility theory and risk preference Value of information/control and options Bayesian analysis Decision trees and influence diagrams Probability assessment Heuristics and biases in decision making ISEN 689: Systems Thinking and Analysis Description: Introduction to systems thinking and modeling with a focus on the fundamental considerations associated with the engineering of large-scale systems. Systems thinking Systems theory Systems modeling and dynamics Forrester and causal diagrams Systems engineering process ISEN 689: Probability for Engineering Decisions Description: Introduction to probability and stochastic processes for characterization of uncertainty in engineering decisions. Random variables Conditional probability Expectation Stochastic processes Applications: Strategic planning, resource allocation, financial engineering ISEN 689: Survey of Optimization Description: Development of the mathematics and algorithms for linear and nonlinear program. Simplex method Duality Sensitivity analysis Optimality conditions Constrained and unconstrained problems Applications: Resource allocation, workforce planning, portfolio optimization
Page 7 ME in Systems Engineering Curriculum In addition, at least 9 hours from outside ISEN are required to bring the total to 30 hours. See next page for example courses. All four core courses will be offered as distance learning.
Page 8 ME Curriculum (Suggested Out of Department)
Page 9 Example Degree Plans
Page 10 Limited number of Internships and Scholarships are available…. If you have additional questions please contact: Dr. Guy Curry, Graduate Program Advisor Ms. Judy Meeks, Administrative Assistant