Altynalmas Gold Ltd An Emerging High Margin Eurasian Gold Producer
Altynalmas Gold Ltd Strategy Delivering a World Class Sustainable Project
Sustainable Mining: Corporate and Social Responsibility
Sustainable Mining
Altynalmas Gold - CSR Process The basis of the sustainability approach of the operation would be to ensure: Ensure compliance of with the highest international operating standards and the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Incorporate Risk Management in all phases of design, construction, operations and closure planning; Adopt and Utilize world class technology in all aspects of the operation to enhance operational safety; Provide training, mentoring and development for our present and employees, and Implementation of sustainable projects within the local and district communities in consultation with the community, independent specialist groups and the company.
CSR Process - Implemented 1.ESHIA 2.Memorandum’s of Understanding with communities who are in closest proximity to the mine and most affected by the Company’s operations: Includes community development projects 3.Capacity building is done through joint –programming with international and national NGO’s targeting areas of need for the local area, district, region and country Mother and child health Youth support strategies 4.Scholarships provided by the Company, employee up-grading programs and training programs 5.Effectively engaging the local community and stakeholders through consultation and effective two-way flow of communication
CSR Process - Implemented i.Community Enhancement Projects – Undertake essential upgrades to social service infrastructure within the community. The Community Projects will include the heating plant, water treatment plant and sewage plant with total costs of approximately $1 million. ii.Community Business Development International Laboratory in negotiation to set up new independent facility, which will be the first and only ISO Certified Laboratory in Kazakhstan, will also undertake assaying work for other non related parties;
Project Development: The Next Steps
Project Development Timeline April 2011 Completion of Feasibility Study Q Production Q Commissioning Q Start Construction Q Critical path equipment orders July 2010 Project Permitting Commences March 2012 U/G Development July 2011 World Bank / IFC ESIA Completed Project Funding Concluded Dec 2011
Altynalmas Gold’s vision is to be a profitable gold producer through the integration of the Equator Principles that will create consistent value for all our employees, stakeholders and shareholders
Thank You Altynalmas Gold Ltd An Emerging High Margin Eurasian Gold Producer