LORE Light Object Repository by Othman Chhoul CSC5370 Fall 2003
Outline Introduction What is Lore? History Lore’s Forensic Conclusion Questions Demo
Introduction Limitations faced by traditional Databases: force all data to adhere to an explicitly specified schema Data Elements may change Structures may change along the execution path of an application Head ache when it comes to decide on a fixed schema for irregular or unstable data
SemiStructured Data Widespread SemiStructured Data: “Self-describing” “Schemaless” Examples: Data from the web Overall site structure may change often. It would be nice to be able to query a web site. Data integrated from multiple, heterogeneous data sources. Information sources change, or new sources added.
What is Lore? Lore is a DBMS designed specifically for managing semistructured information, such as XML Among the Pioneers in this domain
History Built, from scratch, by the DB Group at Stanford University, with research funding from DARPA, NASA and others. Introduced in 1995, with the first version of the query language called Lorel, and used OEM as data model. A lightweight system, because it was designed for a single-user, read-only access changed to support XML
Lore’s Forensic Lore’s Data model Lore’s Query Language Lore’s General Architecture When XML gets into action
OEM (Object Exchange Model) Simple, self-describing, nested object model for semi structured data (XML???) Data in this model can be thought of as a labeled directed graph Vertices in graph are objects. Each object has a unique object identifier (oid), such as &5. Atomic objects have no outgoing edges and are types such as int, real, string, gif, etc. All other objects that have outgoing edges are called complex objects.
OEM (Summary) An OEM object has: Label: a character string, object aliases OID: Object unique identifier Type: Atomic (int, real, string), Complex Value: If it is a complex object list of OIDs If it is an atomic object atomic value of type int, real, string…
OEM (Example)
Lorel (Lore’s Query Language) Lorel is an extension of OQL Lorel supports path expressions for traversing graph data A simple path expression is a name followed by a sequence of labels. DBGroup.Member.Office: Set of objects that can be reached starting with the DBGroup object, following edges labels member and then office.
Lorel Range variables can be assigned to path expression Path expression are used directly in queries in an SQL style: select DBGroup.Member.Office where DBGroup.Member.Age > 30
Lorel Result: Office “Gates252” Office Building “CIS” Room “411”
Lorel ( Behind the scenes) Previous query rewritten to OQL style: select O from DBGroup.Member M, M.Office O where exists y in M.Age : y > 30 Comparison on age transformed to existential condition: A user can ask DBGroup.Member.Age < 30 regardless of whether Age is single valued, set valued, or unknown.
Lorel (More examples) select DBGroup.Member.Name where DBGroup.Member.Office(.Room%)? like “%252” Result: Name “Jones” Name “Smith” Update: update P.Member +=( select DBGroup.Member where DBGroup.Member.Name = "Clark" ) from DBGroup.Project P where P.Title = "Lore" or P.Title = "Tsimmis"
Lore’s General Architecture
Query and Update Processing External Data DataGuides
Query and Update Processing Queries Data Engine (A Set of OEM objects)
Query Plan Generator select O from DBGroup.Mem ber M, M.Office O where exists y in M.Age : y > 30
Query Iterators Use recursive iterator approach: execution begins at top of query plan each node in the plan requests a tuple at a time from its children and performs some operation on the tuple(s). pass result tuples up to parent.
Tuples (Object Assignment) OA is a data structure containing slots for range variables with additional slots depending on the query. Each slot within an OA will holds the oid of a vertex on a path being considered by the query engine. We should end up at the end of a query with complete OAs
Query Operators The Scan operator returns all oids that are sub-objects of a given object following a specified path expression: Scan (StartingOASlot, Path_expression, TargetOASlot) For each oid in StartingOASlot, check to see if object satisfies path_expression and place oid into TargetOASlot. For each returned OA of the left child, the join operator calls exhaustively the right child until no more OA is returned
Query Operators (cont) The aggregation operator (Aggr) adds to the target slot the result of the aggregation. The Join, Project and Select are almost identical to their corresponding relational operators Other operators: CreateSet, GoupBy, ArithOp
Query Operators (Visualize the Words)
Query Optimizer Does only a few optimizations: Push selection ops down query tree. Eliminate/combine redundant query operators. Explores query plans that use indexes when possible. Two kinds of indexes: Lindex (link index): returns all parents OIDs of a given OID via a label, impl. as hashing. Vindex (value index): returns all atomic objects of a label that satisfies a condition, impl. as B+-trees
Vindexes Because of non-strict typing system, have String Vindex, Real Vindex, and String-coerced-to-real Vindex. Separate B-Trees of each type are constructed for each label. Using Vindex for comparison If type is string, do lookup in String Vindex If can convert to real the do lookup in String- coerced-to-real Vindex. If type is real or int, do almost the same thin
Vindexes (cont) Arg2 Arg1 StringRealInt String--String realBoth real RealString real--Int real intBoth realInt real--
Index Query plans If the user’s query contains a comparison between a path expression and a value + appropriate Vindex and Lindex exist generate an index query plan Previous query: select O from DBGroup.Member M, M.Office O where exists y in M.Age : y > 30
Index Query plans (cont)
Update Query plans update P.Member +=( select DBGroup.Member where DBGroup.Member.Name = "Clark" ) from DBGroup.Project P where P.Title = "Lore" or P.Title = "Tsimmis"
External Data Enables retrieval of information from other data sources, transparent to the user. An external object in Lore is a “placeholder” for the external data and specifies how lore interacts with an external data source.
External Data During query processing Scan operator notifies the external data manager whenever an external object is encountered The spec for an external object includes: Location of a wrapper program to fetch and convert data to OEM, timeout interval a set of arguments used to limit info fetched from external source.
DataGuides A DataGuide is a concise and accurate summary of the structure of an OEM database (stored as OEM database itself, kind of like the system catalog). Very Helpful: No explicit database schema difficult to formulate meaningful queries Query processor may perform unnecessary work with no knowledge of the database structure. What if a path expression doesn’t exist (waste). Each possible path expression is encoded once.
DataGuides (cont) DataGuides are dynamically generated and maintained over an existing database Can store statistics in DataGuide For example, the # of atomic objects of each type reachable by p.
DataGuides (example)
When XML gets into Action Little reminder: Lore first proposal in 1995 XML new standard for data representation and data exchange over the WWW. Public class XML_data extends Semi_structured_data Lore among the pioneers to integrate XML in their DBMS architecture
From Semistructured Data to XML Data Model Query Language DataGuides
Changes in The Data Model Similar to an OEM, an XML element in Lore is a pair of EID: is a unique element identifier VALUE: is either an atomic string text or a complex value containing: A String value: tag XML tag An ordered list of attribute-name/atomic-value An ordered list of crosslink subelements of the form, reachable via IDREF or IDREFS An ordered list of subelements of the form
Changes in The Data Model (cont) Comments are ignored When an XML document is mapped into this new data model, it can be seen as a directed labeled graph
Query Language Extended path expression to distinguish between subelements and attributes, by using qualifiers: DBGroup.Member.>Name &6, use > to implicitly specify a subelement “Smith”, to implicitly specify an attribute DBGroup.Member.Name &6 “Smith”, when or > qualifier is used, both attributes and subelements are matched
DataGuides Provide a DTD from which Lore builds the corresponding DataGuide Otherwise if no DTD is provided, a DataGuide is generated from the XML document Problems when updating: With a DTD is provided, validity is assured With no DTD, DataGuide is updated as the XML document is updated
Conclusion Lore was originally developed for OEM data model since 1995, XML was integrated later in 1999 Lore Provided a clear and robust solution for storing, querying, and updating semistructured data (XML came after) The Lore project was declared pretty much out of business in 2000 by The Stanford Database Group