Child and Family Outcomes Chapter 4: Using Assessment Tools in the Child Outcomes Measurement Process Entry & Exit Sample Information
Two Types of Assessment Measures Standardized tests (norm-referenced tests) Criterion-referenced tests
Standardized Tests Compare a child’s performance to a larger group Useful because they: Provide information on how the child does in relation to other children Use standardized administration process May be used to determine IEP eligibility
Criterion-Referenced Tests Compare a child’s performance to specific performance standard Useful because they: Measure performance on specific objectives Allow a direct link between assessment and intervention Provide information on strengths and emerging skills Help teams plan and meet child’s individual needs Meet recommended assessment practices Measure intra-child progress May be used to measure program effectiveness
Caution Most developmental test are domain based on not specifically designed to assess functional outcomes This information needs to be used in conjunction with other sources of information Test scores do not directly translate to meeting or not meeting functional outcomes
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