1 DLR/EEC Total Airport Management Christoph Meier & Peter Eriksen European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation
2 Or… Where do we take Airport CDM from here?
3 Today’s problem Lack of collaborative strategic planning between Airport partners Limited facilities for real-time data sharing Inflexible responses to real-time events Inability to exploit potential for efficience and capacity gains offered new capabilities Even with Airport CDM in place
4 Airport CDM TAM is an extension of Airport CDM Airport CDM will improve today’s situation, but there are certain shortcomings: - CDM is limited to the pre-tactical phase (+2 hours) - There is no support of analytical tools - CDM provides limited understanding of system wide impact of decisions - CDM has limited use of common performance indicators …but Airport CDM is still a big step forward
5 Stakeholders need…. optimised arrival and departure rates for sustained periods improved predictability of all airport processes sufficient flexibility to accommodate real- time events environmentally suitable and acceptable operations understanding of trade-off possibilities
6 What is TAM? TAM considers the airport holistically as one node of the overall air transport network. In order to ensure an overall Quality of Service (QoS) of an airport to the customers and to the air transport network, TAM concentrates on the initial strategic and pre-tactical planning phases using the most accurate information available, followed by the monitoring (and when required, reactive planning) of the tactical working process.
7 Collaborative planning processes assuring equity and flexibility How will TAM work? Based on commonly agreed performance indicators Allowing for Airport Configuration and management based on agreed performance targets Modeling and visualisation of airport processes to allow for common understanding of future scenarios Looking minutes, hours, days, weeks or months ahead
8 Expected Benefits Improved predictability Resources can be used more efficiently, keeping sufficient flexibility to cater for the unforeseen More transparency Cooperative negotiation and equity for all stakeholders Trade-off With direct involvement of stakeholders in determining performance targets
9 Problems addressed by TAM Poor global flow of information: A deficit of information exchange between subsystems is caused due to no common information system Global goal neglect and conflicting interests: Subjective interests of stakeholders follow a local cost- benefit analysis before information exchange is supplied and restrictions are accepted Complexity increase: Problems of complexity increase, focusing on global goals. More system parameters and dependencies have to be considered
10 Scope of TAM (time horizon)
11 Scope of TAM (spatial)
12 Instantiations of TAM (1/2)
13 Instantiations of TAM (2/2) De-Centralised APOC Centralised APOC APOC by Hand Remote APOC
14 Generic Management Cycle
15 Human Centred Automation
16 Joint Airport Operations Plan (AOP) Performance Targets Flow Targets Resource-Event Targets Static Constraints Dynam. Constraints
17 AOP Dynamics
18 AOP Lifecycle
19 Functional Architecture of TAM
20 Representatives (agents) in TAM
21 Fundamental Roles in APOC
22 Decision Making Process
23 The TAM actors will conduct a number of daily conferences where they will analyse past performance The past performance will be used to determine optimum future airport configurations and predict perfomance using modelling (e.g. +6 hours, +24 hours, +7 days, + 30 days) TAM in practical terms
24 Decision support tools will help visualising the consequence such as delay, but also e.g. environmental load Aircraft Operators will if required perform demand/capacity trade offs and develop alternative demand scenarios than can be evaluated by decision support tools TAM in practical terms
25 Summary, Status and Outlook TAM is the Vision, Airport CDM the solid starting point Performance based airport needed to enable performance based ATM “Total” means airside and landside & adhoc to strategic time horizon Proactive, layered guidance based on C 4 I principles Tools supporting dynamic, repetitive planning results in joint AOP Human centred automation Different APOC Instantiations possible Integrating existing approaches like A-SMGCS, xMAN, CDM… Initial concept document jointly developed by DLR and EEC Initial Validation Exercises planned for EC FP-6 Episode 3 Effort in DLR and EEC to be continued FP7 / SESAR might be platform for large scale validation